First Day of Hurricane Season is June 1

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Much as I hated to post this we need to set up a system here for reporting in.
Last year's system worked GREAT seeing as we did it on the fly.
Anyone have any ideas?


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Don't have any suggestions, but have you noticed that the Weather Channel and all of the 24 hr news services are almost giddy with anticipation? You'd think they were awaiting the birth of a Crown Prince or something...*sigh*...

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Bad Weather=Good Ratings=More Commercial Dollars

Dothan,, AL(Zone 8a)

Amen to that Melody and Henry. If there was one coming they would have already talked it to death. I would imagine there has already been a run on buying batteries, bottled water and plywood.

Looks like we don't have to worry here in southeast Alabama. They have predicted that our little corner of the gulf is unlikely to be hit by a hurricane.

By the way I heard on the radio the other day that bottled water will not expire. That because of government regulations an expiration on each bottle any. If you didn't want to drink it there are always other uses for the 'expired' water.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I can see a mass exodus from S/E AL now. lol!
Stock distilled water forever.
Bland to the taste but it is though still water....


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Yeah... distilled water is already "dead"... so how could it go bad?

Ric, we did pretty good last year. I think it all depends on who steps up to the plate to help out... who has the time. I anticipate such participation again IF it is needed.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I'd like to see a phone tree arrangement in place.
It could work like our contact list.
Most times you can text or make a call but not get on the internet.
The called volunteer could then contact Family/Friends/Dave's from a safe remote spot.
The Family/Friends contact numbers could be sent well in advance of the Hurricane.
One volunteer could handle dozens of people in each State.
I passsed on messages that way last year.
It took a lot less time than I figured it would.
We have access to an 800 number w/ voice mail so it cost the caller nothing.


Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

i know how the weather people feel, we had 2 to hit us last year, and i am on pins an needles
our weather reporters done a wonderfull job here in florida,would of been worse if not far them.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

The weather folks here are like buzzards circling when even a hint of a Hurricane.
They commandere the stations and to heck with everything else. When one doesn't pan out to be right in our laps they ring their hands in disappoinment.
I expect them to burst into tears any moment.
They particularily like to wipe-out Soap Operas and the Wheel/Jeapordy.
We just want to be entertained. Most of the info has been repeated so many time we could do the report ourselves. A little trailer across the screen would do just fine. A designated channel that requires no cable would be the best.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

I like the dedicated chanel that requires no cable idea
whoops hit send - meant to add this site - depression off SE Mexico:

This message was edited Jun 4, 2006 1:45 PM

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

My map program and spreadsheets for setting up check-in lists are warmed up and ready. I hope we don't need them too often this year. Last year Mystic was collecting emergency phone numbers from people. I like the idea of having someone to call, too. You're right about it being hard to get phone signals - especially cell phone signals - out after a big storm, Ric. We just need to be careful about publishing people's phone numbers in non-safe areas. The Weather forum is only open to subscribers, but...

~ Marylyn

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I'm thinking anyone who wants calls forwarded can work privately w/ the caller.

Say you want calls done.
You send me your #'s to your caller well in advance.
Hurricane Badseed hits Houston.
Your internet is down.
You contact your caller by any means possible.
They call your contact #'s and check in here for you.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I think that's a great idea, Ric!

"Hurricane Badseed..." ROFLOL

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

It was either that or Hurricane Hap! LOL


Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Just walked back in from a trip to Wally-World. The Weather Chanel was on, it runs 24/7, even while I'm gone so the dogs can keep track, and boy, they were all excited! (The WC, the dogs were sleeping). Seems like there is rain north of the Yucatan and they are going through the usual "No circulation, BUT we are watching it. Here's the satellite picture which doesn't show much, but look at the infrared and you can see there's ALMOST signs of circulation".

So, now the games begin. (sigh)

Ric and Marylyn, between the two of you I know you will work out a game plan that we can all be grateful for. You can for sure count me in.
Pati (who refuses to believe there will be a third year for hurricanes here)

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Me, too!

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