Is this leaf scorch?

Timnath, CO(Zone 5b)

I am a total newbie to hydrangeas. I picked up some Forever & Ever and I put them in the ground in late April. The area is sun in the morning until about 1, then shade for the rest of the day.

This weekend was our first really hot weather, and I noticed them wilting for the first time since I planted them. After watering, they perked right up. However, now they have brown curling edges and dead leaves. I did water them in the sunny part of their day, and I just gave them a good soaking but the water was left on the leaves when I was done. The next day I had all the crunchy leaves.

Are these plants the type that need to keep their leaves dry when they are in the sunny part of the day? I just think that these leaves are scorched and that's why they are all brown and crunchy. Am I right?

Thumbnail by Meig

That's what it looks like to me. Sunscorch. Sometimes hydrangeas will wilt a bit in the heat of the day, then perk right up as the sun goes down. If you add some peatmoss to your soil, it may retain the moisture better and you'll have less wilt. If you just watered and the plant wilts, it will likely perk up later in the day. Since these have been in the ground only since late April, they just are not established yet. It doesn't sound like too much sun if they are protected against the hot afternoon.
Hope someone from up your way will respond, too, because our growing conditions are very different.

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

I think so Meig, I have several hydrangeas and the one that gets the most sun has similiar looking leaves on it as yours. The ones that get more shade dont.

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