Late Start

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Well, I just got my veggies planted today.. not all since DH hasn't rototilled all the beds yet, but a good start
so I put in the tomato transplants
Aunt gertie's green
Black from Tula
3 Cherokee Purples

planted one ned of bush green beans.. maybe contender? Dunno they were saved seeds
got on some mesclun lettuce and spinach and basil.. arugula was volunteer from last year (YAY)

radishes, beets and zucchini.

Probably a little late on some of those but we shall see..

I need to get some more tomatoes planted.. Have eva purple ball, black cherry, Sungold, green grape, sweet millions and brandywine ready to go soon

Kidlet planted her bed of cabbage, parsley, carrots and accorn squash. she wants to do pumpkins so I have to clear a bed for that

Have five beds open still.. not sure what I will do with them all.. feel like I am forgetting something!
hmm 2 more for tomatoes and one for beans.. think think think

Acton, TN(Zone 7a)

How about corn, sweet potatoes, edible gourd, yacon, eggplant, okra, leeks, melons, cukes, summer squash, chard, new zealand spinach, dill, cilantro, mint, sunflower, peanut, green onions & potatoes? So many things to grow and so little time! Photo of corn attached.

Thumbnail by jozeeben

MORE MATERS!!!! mewhahahahhaha

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Jazzpunkin, did the Sungold tomato seedlings make it? Are they what you are planting out?

Sounds like you have some room that needs to be filled. My choice would be green beans, or lima beans. I was tempted in the grocery today to buy some green beans, but upon inspection, decided against it as mine will be so much better.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Defoe.. They look great but still waiting to be planted.. They are growing gangbusters! I am patiently waiting for DH prepare a coupld more beds for me.. ::thumbs twiddling::

East Barre, VT(Zone 4a)

Wow, I normally have my full gardens in by Memorial Day but with 14 days of straight rain, I've just barely tilled one bed. In my raised beds, I have peas, onion and spinach going, and volunteer hungarian red lettuce from last year. I put that stuff in the end of April and it all looks great.

I planted Kentucky Wonder pole beans, lima beans, radishes, carrots, yellow squash and soy beans from seeds on Wednesday, and transplated some parsley, cilantro and basil I started under the lights. I also have two kinds of lettuce and arugula growing in my cold frame, which I've been eating for about a month.

We are building a green house, and as soon as it's up, I'll be putting in Chinese Red Peppers, Jalapeno peppers, yellow pear tomotoes, brandywines, beefsteak, roma and Mortgage Lifter Tomatoes that I started wayyyyyy back in March under lights. I'm also going to try to trellis watermelon and cantelope in the greenhouse. Being so far north, i don't normally bother with those, but maybe they'll do okay in a GH.m,

Once my last bed is settled, I'll put in the corn, potatos, Italian Flat pole beans, beets, more spinach, more lettuce and strawberries. My strawberry bed was finally washed up this year, so I have to start it all over again.

Boy, it's hard work getting it all in in the few weeks window we have it vermont but so worth it in August and september.

I've decided to NOT grow any cabbage, kale, brocoli or brussels sprouts this year. They're cheap enough at the farmers market and I don't love them enough to bother.

What are other northern gardeners doing?

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Jazz - more tomatoes for sure! bush and pole beans. Eggplant? Did you mean Aunt Gertie's Gold and not Green?

We are not growing any cabbage or brussel sprouts this year. The broccoli is coming in and the kale will be a fall crop.


Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Got my Aunt's confused.. I think they are Aunt Ruby's German Green,
I don't like pole beans but bush beans are fine. no eggplant..

East Barre, VT(Zone 4a)

Still steadily raining here. I have yet to plant potatoes, corn, Italian pole beans, beets, cukes, pumpkins and squashes. If I even walked on my garden beds, I'd sink in the mud. That which I was able to plant in my raised beds is doing fine, but that's only half of it. I got my greenhouse kit in early May, and it hasn't stopped raining long enough to complete the darn thing. Weather forecast for this weekend is more rain, all the way through Sunday, then back to work for another week. I'll be luck to have the Greenhouse up by the fourth of July. How pathetic. It's rained all but 5 days since mid May. How do folks in the PNW deal with this? I'm about to jump out of my skin, I'm so depressed.

Rain depresses me too when it goes on and on. Yeah it as been wet here a bit in Ohio. last night was a real wet one with lots of rain. buckets .
Jazz how did yor garden handle all the rain we got on wends.?

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b) seems to do ok...I don't mind the rain. I fgiure that is one less time I have to water

You are right on that part Jazz, i din't water today or yesterday, b/c of the rain .
Don't worry leisure it will be sunny in no time for you. hope all is well with you. Just think of yummy maters .

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