I went out to photograph my Coleus yesterday and I happened to notice, Luckyl! this 3" long and 1" wide slimy foe just headed for my babies.
I have slug and snail bait that I was hesitant to use up until now. I am scared there is an infestation of these and I have numerous tender Hostas and Coleus planted in this area.
How Much could this Giant EAT???
Ammonia, diluted, in a "windex" type spray bottle is one way - better than salt in that salt is harmful to any plants in the vicinity - but ammonia diluted is adding some nitrogen. The effect on the slug is the same - incredible slimefest.
Glad to know that about amonia I will scoop-up and trash dispose of all this today.
Salt contamination is why I moved it. I don't salt growing soil.... or in my case sand.
Hey sugarweed, you sure you weren't marinading it for bbq?
(bleeck!) :-)
PEOPLE!! HELLO!!! You dont put a pound of salt on ONE slug!! lol A few grains has yet to hurt any of my plants, but, to each his own.
Lol, I was thinking the same thing Blue .. That's a lot of salt! Lol.
I'm with you Sugarweed. I'd have DOUSED that sucker too. (LOL)
OK, so it's overkill, but if I ever found one of those ugly things heading toward my tender babes, there would be no mercy.
Glad to hear the "good news" about ammonia being safe though. I heard that it was effective for red lily leaf beetles if sprayed in the soil around the plants. Those are so bad, they occupy the top three spots on my hit list.
While I'm willing to try anything, I wanted to be sure the ammonia treatment was safe before I doused the heck out of my 80+ lily bed.. have been carefully using the Bayer advanced spray wtih a lot of success, but I prefer something natural as we have fish.
It's all in the trash now anyhow. I will be using amonia in the future.
So glad I shared so I could upset every one.
Don't fear we had not a smidgen of rain so nary a speck was absorbed.
You folks need to go to the garden and chill.
I still haven't heard the pros or cons on this Ortho product.
Thanks for the support Seasiderose.
Silly you, haven't you ever heard of waste not want not?
You really need to start growing some carnivorous pitcher plants. That nice juicy slug could have been diced up and fed as sushi to at least 15 pitchers that would have been chanting more mommy more!
Oh my, I'm looking at that photo and feeling as if someone is shaking my monitor. I thought I had an exclusive on the camera shake division. Tee he.
I think that was, "Feed me seymour, feed me ALL NIGHT LONG" re: what those carnivore plants, (from little shop of horrors). hehehe
Epson salts also kills them
really? and that is good for the roses. thanks for that tip. so far i have had nary a slug or snail in the garden. my canna leaves are perfect (so far). i know any day i will be eating those words (with salt on top). lol debi
Oh nooooooooo trackinsand! Start knocking on wood right now until your knuckles hurt for saying your canna leaves are perfect. EVERY time I make a bold statement like that I end up eating my words. Slugs with salt do not at all sound appetizing to me- ewwwww yuck.
I have had good luck with "Sluggo" somehow based on iron (which I need in my soil anyway).
i have my BT and my diatomateous earth at the ready and will use it with no compassion whatsoever on rollers, slugs and whatever else dains to mar my perfect plants. and you know, after saying it twice with such abandon, they will probably be nubs in the ground tomorrow morning. lol
Salt is so cheap, no one wants to take the cannister with them whenever they move from a rental place. At least they always leave them when I move in!
I had the same gut reaction last year when I found my first slug ever. I put it on a concrete stepping stone and salted him up and watched him peter out.
Here at my new place, the ground is so dry, if there are any slugs, they are way down deep where the well water is.
Sidney, your guaci is looking wonderful!
Thanks Molly, now I just worried about the ones I haven't found!
Much better photo. I am trying to hit preview when adding photos now instead of send because I've been messing up too.
You wanna come up here! Put your money where your mouth is woman. Go ahead, make my day ;) I'd love to have you. Oh what trouble we could get in to. I'd even help you with air fare.
Your a doll, but right now I'm tied to the home base. With my work, you never know.
I have tons of baby snails and an occasional slug....I find the snails when I'm digging the flower beds. Is there something I should add to my soil that will eliminate them?
Just suggest you don't let them live. They will "Swiss Cheese" everything or mow them back to nothing.
I will read-up on the stuff I have pictured above.
The Diatomaceous Earth also works for fleas.
Eeeeeuuuuuuwwww .. yuck. OK. I'm a girly girly. I don't like slugs and snakes.
(poetic license... recall that song "i don't like spiders and snakes") I once found
a giagantic slug here, maybe 14yrs ago. But mostly we have yucky little ones.
And our snakes are not poisonous. well - the copperheads don't come to our house
And I poured salt on that one big slug - on the stone wall. Loved watching it melt
away forever.
I have tried everything to get rid of slugs here. We have millions of them. I've used everything. I got rid of most of the snails, but find one every once in a while. I've used powders, pellets, Deadline, coffee grounds, beer in a container, you name it, I've used it. I have resigned myself to the fact that I can never get rid of all of them, but I can cut down on them. The best product I've used so far is Sluggo, but like I said, I still have slugs.
I've also been known to take it personally when I've found a giant slug that just ate one of my favorite plants. I like watching them foam up, squirm around, and suffer with a bit of salt poured on them. Sweet justice!
Well, I cant speak for beautiful downtown sandy eggo, but up here in the Great Pacific NorthWET, I use the full strength corries, and it works wonders, not slug one has got to my dahlias or daylillies. Well, that and I do nightly patrols with my trusty salt shaker. See also: http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/608802/
Hi. Like everyone here I've tried most everything. Out at 5AM salting. One year a neighbor called the cops thinking I was lurking (or worse). Last yr. I found a product called Deadline. It works but like some other slug killers is poisonous to domestic animals. You just drip a few drops on the ground around the plant.
Oh, and the cops weren't too thrilled to find a middle-aged woman in PJs with bed head and a container of salt telling some cockamaimy story about slugs. They actually asked me if I had been drinking.
A big warm welcome to DG gloriabythelake!
cops weren't too thrilled to find a middle-aged woman in PJs with bed head and a container of salt telling some cockamaimy story about slugs. They actually asked me if I had been drinking.
The "cop story" reminds me of a story told by my vertebrate zoology prof many years ago. Seems he was studying snakes - and one of the field study items of a snake is to take its temp ---- and so he told of this woman who stopped, stared, and drove on after watching him stick a thermometer up the (cloaca) aka: butt of a large snake alongside the road. A few minutes later, a policeman drove up to have this fellow explain his perverted behavior! Life IS good!
Now, that takes the cake!
My FIL who was a graduate of Johns Hopkins liked to refer to people he didn't like as cloacas. He thought it more offensive than any mammalian orifice.
Lends new meaning to the definition of sewer now doesn't it!
You all are too funny!
You're welcome, Sugarweed (for the support). Anyone come up with a non-toxic cure for slugs yet?
I've been making my own natural garden treatment with essential oils, and it has treated a multitude of sins, but we still have slugs.....
Then get ya a salt shaker, slug bait, or live with them, lol. Someone suggested a 50/50 mix of ammonia and water, but personally, for my time and money, its the slug bait. You dont play games with terrorists OR slugs, lol.
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