Dear Broccoli, Do you have to flower already?

Ronkonkoma, NY(Zone 6b)

Singing the broccoli flowering blues. The central heads are about two inches in diameter. About two plants are flowering. Not really sure why. I thought I timed the planting right. Maybe they were too long at nursery. Anyway, what should I do with those that show flowers, cut center head immediately to encourage side shoots? Let them flower? Anyone?
p.s. I'm so excited, my corn and squash are peeking up!!

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

I've always found it hard to get big heads on broccoli before bolting. I would like to see if anyone has an infomed answer but I cut the center heads and look to side shoots.

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Wormboy, Your seedlings may have been stressed before you got them.
They are very sensitive when young. It's unlikely they will do much for you, now.
They are soooo easy to start from seed in a big flat and transplanted at a young age directly to the garden.
Get some new plants, from a better supplier.
Andy P

Ronkonkoma, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks Andy, will do.

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