grape vines

Bethany, OK(Zone 7b)

I am trying to grow grape vines and this being the second year I am learning to prune the vines. My Question is,do the vines produce all season?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't think there are any grapes that produce all season--to the best of my knowledge they all bear one crop of grapes in late summer/fall and that's it, but I'm mostly familiar with the kinds of grapes that are grown in CA and it could be different for the types of grapes that do well in your area. As far as pruning, there are a number of different pruning styles that you can do depending on what shape you want the vine to have, but no matter which way you prune, I don't think this is the right time of year for major pruning. I have a 'Flame' seedless grape and I always prune it in late fall or winter after it loses its leaves and it's done fine with that; the only thing I do to it now at this time of year is chop out any long tendrils that it sends in a direction I don't want it to go (like around a tree, etc) . The best thing to do if you want to know how to prune them is to 1) search around on here and see if there's a thread discussing it--I can't think of one, but I've never looked; 2) internet search, or 3) buy/borrow a book on pruning--most of the general books I've seen on pruning have nice pictures of the different ways you can prune grapes and give good instructions on how to do it.

Salt Lake City, UT(Zone 5b)

My grape vines have produced little clusters of flowers that will turn into grapes come August/Sept. Last year, the cats knocked off the only flower cluster that was on the vine and it didn't produce any grapes. I prune my grape vines in late winter/early early spring before they start to leaf out. Good luck with your grapes,

LD :)

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

You might also post your querry in the Fruits and Edible nuts Forum

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