Odd Clematis

Crivitz, WI(Zone 4b)

Hi, Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my Polish Clematis? It seems to have a double head...? Should I cut it off...???

Thumbnail by plantzoo
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

That is incredibly unusual! Never seen a Clematis do that before!! What are the other blooms like?

Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

I'd surely watch for seeds on any flowers with that unusual feature. And if you don't want to grow them, I will! I have plenty of patience which is what it will take. Now so it sets seed - fertilize it with a heavy nitrogen based fertilizer ASAP - this will increase your chance of seed production greatly.

Hopefully all your flowers will look like this:)

You got something interesting there - and definitely worth viewing as being a propagatable subject in both seed and cuttings and/or layering.

Keep us updated:)



Crivitz, WI(Zone 4b)

Here's a closer photo a few hours later. There are alot of buds but no other blooms yet.

Thumbnail by plantzoo
Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Just curious, did you have a cold snap about the time it started setting buds? I know Lilies can do some very stange things if the stalk tips get frosted. Maybe there's a logical answer.

Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

I've got the dumbest Clematis of all. And it performs the same way every year. Got it as a freebie working at a nursery.

It's blooms are always half flower/half leaf - as if they're molded together - which they are.

Another I didn't save the tag to, so I don't know what it's real name is.

Anyway, I just checked and it's about ready to bloom. I'll post some photos in a week or so.


Crivitz, WI(Zone 4b)

Hi, beaker_ch, We did have some odd weather this Spring and maybe my Clematis got nipped by frost...it is still growing out strange..the whole plant is about 5 feet tall and still growing, with dozens of buds.
This is todays photo:

Thumbnail by plantzoo
Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

Here's that dumb one in my garden (some flowers have more green than white) This is one strange plant! I've had it since 2001 - always blooms this way:)


Thumbnail by conifers
Crivitz, WI(Zone 4b)

Hi Dax, I think that flower is darling. Not dumb, just doing its own thing. Would sure like one myself...My Polish Clematis is still growing on top getting bigger and adding to the top knot. Sure looks funny. The vine is covered with buds but only the odd one has opened.

Thumbnail by plantzoo
Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

Burn it! j/k

I hope all your buds open to flowers like that. Very interesting!


Crivitz, WI(Zone 4b)

Update on my Polish Clematis...Well the top knot opened into a second flower. From the bottom of the first bloom to the top of the second it is 5" tall! There are a few more blooms open today, but so far they look normal.

Thumbnail by plantzoo
Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

That's exactly what I saw happening earlier today. I remember thinking it (the bloom) actually had some "wisteria-like" unfolding happening. It just reminded me of the blooms of a blue wisteria for some reason...

How remarkable!

All you can say is "nature" - "how cool!"

See ya,


Windsor, Canada

That half leaf, half bloom clematis is Alba Luxurians and it is the flower which has green tips on the peatals. I think it is lovely and unusual.

Crivitz, WI(Zone 4b)

Hi traveller, Are you saying the name of this Clematis is Alba Luxurians ? I got it last year at WalMart (from a box) the name on the box was Polish Spirit. The rest of the vine has around 50 buds, with maybe 20 open. I have to keep it caged in because my daughter has cats that love to lay among the flowers. It really is so beautiful and growing like mad. Each bloom is the size of a large cup.

Crivitz, WI(Zone 4b)

OOPS......sorry Traveller. I see you were talking to Conifer........not me.

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

look at this Plantfiles link. http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/63320/
Polish Spirit is a dark purple colour. I wonder if your clematis was mis labelled?
This is my Polish Spirit clematis in the photo.

You certainly have an interesting plant there.

Thumbnail by Starzz
Crivitz, WI(Zone 4b)

Hi, I brought this up to show you what my "polish pride"
did last year..now I have found out the real name for it
is "Blue Light". This was the only odd bloom it had, all
the rest were beautiful. Think I'll keep buying the box
plants though, some times you get such nice surprizes.
Now to find a "Polish Spirit" for real.

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

That's wonderful that you found out the real name.
My Polish Spirit is just starting to bloom.

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