Squirrels Foot /Davallia Trichomanoides

Dallas, TX

Two or three weeks ago I bought this fern, had it hid under a bunch hostas and I had forgotten it was there. When I finally decided to plant it I found all these hairy things that look like spiders legs. lol What are they? .... were they there in the beggining? I could barely find the roots, is the plant still good ?


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Sylvia, did you actually plant the fern? Was it in a pot? Where were the hairy things, did they look blackish brown and wiry? Fern roots look like that, when they start to grow new roots they are pale or whitish but darken as they age. Some roots look brown and fibrous.

A photo would be good, but in the mean time I would plant it and keep it watered. Did it actually have fronds on when you bought it or was it still dormant? Some can be late coming into growth, but seeing that you live in TX I would imagine it would be in growth. Some ferns can be a tasty meal for slugs, in particular the new growth, but I have only had the occaional one nibbled but I don't have many slugs or snails. I wonder if the fronds have been stripped? Was it a big fern, or very small, if it was small and dried out it may have died.

Dallas, TX

Wall I cant beleive I didnt take a picture! ,,,,always take pic. :(
I got a pic at home but it dont show those Hairy legs. another thing I think read on the tag its good in zone 10!

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Sylvia.....could it be anything like a Squirrel's Foot Fern? They have these funky fuzzy, hairy, tendril kind of things hanging down. (Excuse my technical terms here.) If so, then it's fine.

Dallas, TX

MARIE ... thats exactly what its called! see the heading...

This message was edited Jun 3, 2006 3:53 PM

TAYLOR, TX(Zone 8a)

Is this the same as a "rabbit's foot" fern? We have had one of those in a potted plant for about a year now... very unusual.

This message was edited Jun 2, 2006 9:58 AM

Dallas, TX

Hummer are you close to Dallas? I am concerned it wont make it through the winter here in the ground. Should I put it in a pot?


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Sylvia.......put it in a pot. That way you get to see the "squirrel's/rabbit's feet" creep over the sides and around the pot! It'll also make a great hanging basket. Don't think it'll survive in the ground up there......Sandi

Dallas, TX

Thanks Sandi I will do that right now! and I got just the basket!

Hooks, TX

I have a patch of rabbit's foot fern in my yard. It is hardy here in zone 8a. Our winter temp can get down to 15 degrees for a short time maybe a couple of nights in the winter.


Dallas, TX

Louise do you have yours in deep shade? O read that on the container.


Hooks, TX

Yes, it is in bright shade - not deep shade. Below is a picture of it.


Thumbnail by TexasLou
Dallas, TX

oh how pretty! and you are not that far away. besides I dont have any real deep shade. its still hanging in there. But i got mine in a pot so I can keep track of the claws, which I find very interesting. :)

Hooks, TX

I sent a box of this fern to DGer 'dale_a_gardener' and he made three hanging baskets with it.
I guess he used lots of spaghnam moss and long pins to keep the long hairy stems crossing and criss-crossing.
I've never seen it in those baskets before but I'll bet after
it grows a bit, it would be very attractive.


Dallas, TX

Louise, what do you do with it in the winter?

Hooks, TX

It has been in the same spot with no special treatment for the past 11 years. I will be moving it to my new home this fall.
I have a place now that is between my daughters' homes - a 780 ft. efficiency type guest house because of my age and health. Didn't want to downsize but had to! After 53 yrs.of marriage and 6 years of being a widow. Getting older doesn't do a thing for a gardener except slow things down!
But, I will be close to family and that means everything!!!

Dallas, TX

Oh Louise, you are blessed to have children. I dont have any so I dont have any idea of whats going to happen to me. LOL

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Let's set up a DG singles' living community where all we do is help each other with gardening all day long and the tell gardening stories around the lighted garden in the evenings after dinner!

This message was edited Aug 9, 2006 3:17 PM

Dallas, TX

sounds good Gymgirl!

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