poorly chicken

lincs, United Kingdom

One of my chickens had a "splodge" that looked like an empty unformed egg hanging off her bum! It wiped off easily. Today she has blood coming out of her rear end. Does anybody know what is happening? Please help!

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Better help is hopefully coming from other posters, but I would give her a general poultry antibiotic, isolate her, and soak her in warm (not hot) water for 10 minutes or so to help her pass any additional stuff, then back to a private crate, warm and dry. Water, no food. Sounds like trouble in the egg-making parts. The antibiotic may help her w/ infection if she's received a cut from an eggshell breaking internally.

lincs, United Kingdom

Thanks. Just had another look, a little closer than I like but it had to be done! The blood has dried up and there is no more coming out. Only had chooks for about 1 year and this is the first "odd" thing I have had to deal with.

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

Keep us posted on what you determine. It's reading posts like yours that help some of us know what is going on if it happens to our chickens.

If Zeppy hadn't posted about her egg-bound hen, I wouldn't have known what to do when one of mine got that way. I sure was glad I knew what to do.
Good luck.

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Hi Mooky, I lost a little Hen a year ago,from falling off the roost,and an egg broke inside! Her first symptoms were pretty much what you described! But I didnt have these kind folks here to help me out at the time. If I had had them then I probably wouldnt have lost my Hen! I hope your Hen will be well soon!

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