Gads it HOT!!! :o

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Gee its like August! I'm in the house hiding with the air conditioner on.
Sheesh! I about had a stroke doing my barnyard chores this morning.
Ahhh...good ol' Michigan weather....cold springs and hotter than hades summers!
Its like almost 90 here and HUMID as all get out!

Clawson, MI(Zone 6a)

Arn't we lucky! Just think, this time last week, the furnace was on.

I must admit, this is why I love living in Michigan. We get it all (except tsunamies, earthquakes, hurricanes) we are blessed!

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

You forgot to mention that we get icestorms and tornados but yup crazy Michigan weather.

Glennie, MI(Zone 5a)

We had a thunderstorm yesterday till noon,then sun came out and got hot and muggy. Got to 88.
Woke up this morning to 71 at 7. They are saying 91 for our area,today.
Yes, to loving living in Michigan. We have one of the prettiest states,and safest states as far as weather goes.......
Even though we are retired, we can`t see going south for the winter..We just make sure we have food and lots of wood for the outside furnace, So,whatever winter in Michigan becomes we`re prepared


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i loved it!!! we worked outside and i jumped in and out of the pool three times today
Dh and kids swam but it was only 76 degrees and id like another 10 added to that to swim
But it sure was nice to cool off for a bit-i think i was dry before i got back to the house to build the new "cat house" !

but im off to bed so i can get up early n start working before it gets to HOT!!

hugz all!

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