Ferns that I have

Starkville, MS

I have been told that this is a Maidenhair, but I'm not sure - I would love a true ID if anyone can help. I'll post closer pics and full description later if anyone can help.

Pic #1 of about 8 of my treasures, so bear with me while I get them all here.


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Starkville, MS

Asparagus fern. I just love its light, feathery look.

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Starkville, MS

Peacock - I got this free at the Co-op off of a broken pot. I'm not familiar with it, but so far its growing, so there's hope for it. It is supposed to be hardy here, so I will leave one pot out and bring one pot into the greenhouse this fall and see who does what.

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Starkville, MS

My Ruffle Leaf. This one is *years* old and needs to be divided and repotted, but it seems to put up with all the abuse it gets. I do bring it into the greenhouse for the winter. If I get it divided this summer, I will plant some and bring some in, and see who wins.

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Starkville, MS

One of the Fishtails. I haven't figured out which one, but I do get a kick out of it. Almost every frond will divide at the end and form the "fishtail" extras.

The next picture shows a close up of the end of a frond

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Starkville, MS

Close up of fishtail. The main frond coming from the right, and the little "tail" fronds growing from the end of the main frond. The number of outshoots varies - this one got a little carried away!

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Starkville, MS

This is one of my Japanese Painted ferns. All three that I have are planted outside and each spring they pop up and add that delightful coloring to the area.

Starkville, MS

And last, but *definitely* not least, is the Resurrection fern. This is probably my favorite and luckily for me it grows all over the place here. I collect bits and pieces of it to put in the orchid garden and they seem to be in heaven.

All of these are scattered around the area that I call the "rain forrest". It is where I have all my orchids with an overhead misting system and filtered light. I have bromiliads moxed in here and there, too. I moved my epis out to another area this year because things were getting a bit crowded.

Hope you have enjoyed the show!


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Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Nice lot of ferns, they are a little different, not hardy ones by the looks.

#1 looks like an asparagus, possibly A. setacues or climbing Asparagus?

the fish leaf I think is a Nephrolepis, biserrata Furcans?

Ruffle leaf again a Nephrolepis, some varieties on the links



Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

yes the first one looks like an asparagus fern to me as well; i have grown maidenhair and they look quite different. I have lots of ostrich ferns and they seem to propagate well in my yard.

Columbia, SC(Zone 8a)

Could the peacock one be a Selaginella uncinata?

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

tgif, a lovely collections of ferns! The Asparagus fern has a nick-name in our family. We call it the florist's fern. In Miami mine became so invasive it grew up the porch, got under the roof tiles and ripped through the roofing paper. We resolved that problem but let it grow wild in a 10' high, 50' long Surinam Cherry hedge. For years a neighbor that did decorations for events would come and cut huge amounts each time she had a job. We never ran out! LOL

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Wallaby, Thanks so much for those web sites....they are going in my saved favorites.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Talk of invasive!!! You should have charged a small fee for the fern usage. Think of all the money you could have made!! lol

Starkville, MS

Wow! Thanks for the info. So far the only ferns in the ground are 1 Lady, 1 Ostrich Plume and 1 Christmas, 3 Japanese Painted and of course, the Resurrection. The rest are in pots that get put in the greenhouse for winters. Since the area is small and there is nothing close by to encourge any of them to spread too far, I think I can keep it all under control. I can see that I need to do some serious ID work, but mostly I just enjoy them without worrying about exctly what or who they are.

This is the center piece of the "rain forrest" that keeps my orchids, epis and bromies happy. The gound floor is covered with ferns and mosses that thrive in the warm moist environment.

Thanks for the comments, interest and info,

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KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Love that old water pump!!! That just makes the whole garden!! The garden is georgous. Good work!!!

Starkville, MS

Thanks pepper. It all makes for a cool patio on a hot aftrenoon.

The old well head was a free find several years ago and my husband made my dream a reality! The surrounding brick is from an old house site a few miles from here. The moss has filled in so nicely and a few goldfish and bullfrogs complete the picture.

Las Cruces, NM

Well, looks like 4 out of 7 of your 'ferns' are actually ferns... :-)

Patrick Alexander

Starkville, MS

So, having admitted that I'm not real good on names, which ones are the true ferns? I sometimes wish they came with better ID tags, but mostly I buy for looks.

Las Cruces, NM

Well, the first two are asparagus; they call it a fern but it ain't. The "peacock fern" also isn't a fern...

Cambria, CA(Zone 10a)

#1 is Asparagus densiflorus (Sprengeri) and #2 is Asparagus setaceus (plumosa). Nice bunch you have there.

Melvin, IL

Your asparagus fern in the picture is actually a Plumosa Fern in the asparagus fern family. I am looking for a Plumosa Fern plant. Do you know where I can get one - probably have to have it sent to me. Thanks!

Starkville, MS

I wish I had known you wanted one, I just gave one away! There were five of them in a mixed planter. All the other things in it were annuals that are long since gone. The whole thing was on the "get rid of it" table, and I was able to save everything at the time. I mostly wanted the planter and the fern and got it for a couple of dollars. I think it was Lowe's.

I really appreciate all the helpful info ya'll have given me. I so seldom pay attention to names - I just get what I like the look of - then when someone asks me what it is, I blush, and say its an "I like it"! I long ago lost count of just how many varieties of "I like it" I have. For me, if it looks like it will fit in I bring it home.

Thanks again,

Patti, I have asparagus growing wild at our other property and I use it in arrangements all the time. I also snitch the new growth sprouts from time to time thinking I'll use them in a salad. But they never make it to the house! I keep eating them!
This message was edited Jun 7, 2006 6:13 PM

This message was edited Jun 7, 2006 6:16 PM

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