
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi!! i am new to gardening. Am a brand new stay at home mom and decided to do all those things that i never had time for when i was working full time. i jsut bought these beautiful hanging baskets of scaevolas, the fan flower. i lvoe them. i am unsure of how to care for them properly. they were looking beautiful.. and now they are "sulking" looking sad and droopy. i thought they loved the heat? i dont know if i over watered them or not. they looked sulky one day, so i watered them, they looked great the next day.. i left them alone, then they looked sulky again, so i watered them again, and now they look horrible. how do i know when to water and how much and when to take them out of the sun. i also am trying to transplant their cuttings... does anybody have any good advice on maintaining these beautiful plants... HELP ME.... PLEASE....

Suwanee, GA

I have grown fan flower in the past and have had lots of luck with it. I bought a 6" pot this year. I usually buy the small 3" pots. I had to repot the plant within a few days because I was having the same problem. I had to go to a much larger pot. I find they don't handled the hot late afternoon sun very well and they dry out very quickly. I have cut mine back pretty dramatically and am waiting to see how it will tolerate it. Good luck and try repotting it in a larger pot and use good quality potting soil. Nancy

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

thanks so much for your information. i love this plant. 11 of my original 16 cuttings i took to replant have grown nicely!! yay! i cant wait until (knock on wood) a few of them are heavy and ready to be in a hanging basket!! i pretty much changed which side of the house i hang my original scaevolas and they are doing great!

thanks again nancy!!

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