Oh Happy Dance!

This week I found out I was getting my plants from Phil either today or tomorrow. I went out and picked up a bale of Sphagnum Peat and pulled out my trusty mortar mixer and went at it adding rinsed sand and such in anticipation of getting goodies. This afternoon my box came, What can I say, when I looked at the box all I could think of was who the heck sent me a 50 gallon long fish tank? And then I looked at who the box was from and what can I say. No words.

I ran out of medium before I even opened the box. Quick fast run to Home Depot for more sphagnum peat to make more medium and I have been potting new babies ever since!

I am thrilled! I am thrilled! I am thrilled! And I don't even know all that I have yet because I'm not even half way through the box! Back to potting up babies! Time to burn the midnight oil!

Still potting! ;)

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

Hooray!!!!!!! I take it you are pleased then? hee hee. Oh how I wish I could see your face when you open everything. Do keep us posted. Your elation is such fodder for my ego! LOL JK!
Glad they made it there safely. Enjoy, enjoy enjoy!!


Still potting!

Favorite so far is the gilpini! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Most beautiful so far is the most complex hybrid you shipped. I luv that (oreo x flava) x purpurea venosa backcrossed with moorei. You gotta register that as a cultivar. It's worthy.

Most stunning is that atropupurea x moorei.

I caught the brickette of lusitanica and laughed my rear off.

Gotta go back and finish off before I drop.

I finished potting somewhere just after 3am and dropped. I am up and out the door for the day. Wonder how well I will function on about 4.5 hours of sleep today??? I will fall over sooner or later but when I go down, I will go down with a smile on my face!

Question for you dear, what was your mix for the lusitanica? It's not sand in there with the sphagnum peat but I couldn't quite see what it was earlier this morning.

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)


To be perfectly honest...I don't recall. It may be a combo of sphagnum peat/long fiber shagnum. They seem to prefer growing in pure long fiber sphagnum in the ghouse as they pop up everywhere in the neps (have no clue how they get there). On the other hand it may be just pure sphagnum peat. I've used that in the past successfully. I don't always use the same soil mix because they grow practically everywhere.

Did Nick like his nep? It should do very well in his tank...I was growing it in my lowland chamber. How about that catesbaei x oreophila? Huge huh? They can get even bigger than what I sent you.

Have fun with them and post pics when you can.


Hi there,

I don't always use the same soil mix because they grow practically everywhere.
Yes, they do seem to grow every where but... at my house. This might be another one of those plants up there with Tacca that I should write a book about the 20 ways to kill them.

Your lusitanica mix looked as if it had vermiculite in the sphagnum. I can't find my good magnifying glass. I probably left it outside somewhere and will find it one day when I least expect it. What ever you tossed in there, it wasn't gritty like sand and that's about all I can figure it was. Vermiculite didn't make sense to me but I figured that I'm on a roll killing lusitanica so I went outside and made new medium for it and tossed in vermiculite and split the brickette in half and potted them up each half of the chunk in a different container. What the heck. I figured if you had tossed in vermiculite it was good enough for me.

Nick was asleep by the time I even figured out that Nep was in there. I set it aside for him. He had already bought pots and created a mix that he bagged and set aside. I wasn't familiar with that Nep at all. We went on line to try to find growing info earlier this morning and all we could find is that two people claimed it needed highland growing conditions. Nick figured you sent if for his tank so he put it in the tank. He also slapped a mosquito and fed one of the pitchers. He is really enamored with the shape and color of the pitchers. They are incredibly unique. He doesn't have anything quite like that. He was very impressed with it. He did a good job potting it up and he placed it in his terrarium and moved a few other plants and his figurines from Pixie around to better showcase everything in there. He did a nice job. This is the first plant that he liked the pitchers on so well that he is interested in "making more". He wanted some seed from it. I pretty much gave him the low down on that. Then he decided he would try to root cuttings. I told him that was perfectly fine just as soon as the plant acclimated to its new environment and began putting out new growth. So, this is a good thing. He wanted to propagate that plant. Anyway, I left right after he situated his plant and by the time I got home he had already gone to spend the night at a friend's house. I guess they are going to the Rec Plex tomorrow and then he'll be home after that.

That catesbaei x oreophila might just have a stronger lure scent than other Sarrs because I was watching flies go to the pitchers as if they were in a trance. Pretty wild actually. I've got quite a few plants outside and they are gravitating to that particular plant. Have you ever noticed this before? Just curious. The largest pitcher already has a June Bug in it. I've no doubt those pitchers are going to be chalk full by the end of the season. These are going to be great for kids to dissect next fall. This is a great plant for those cavernous pitchers. I think those are my largest pitchers by a long stretch. I wonder how much the cavity can hold. This is going to be one of those really fun plants.

Would you get a friend to take a picture of your lowland chamber and would you e-mail it privately to us. I've been meaning to ask you to do that and it kept slipping my mind.

Oh Lauren! Where, oh where will you put them????? It sounds like Christmas at your house right now! We want pics!
But, again, WHERE will you put them???? LOL!!
Phil, Lauren's greenhouse will be dwarfed by the number of her CP's in pots all along the sidewalk and the driveway, not to mention every room in the house! Oh, and not to mention, either, all the little bog gardens sunk down into the ground! I started to count them all, and then gave up. And that was BEFORE she showed me what was in her refrigerator out in the garage! I would have never known, but dodecatheon tipped me off!

Shhh, don't be telling all my secrets or they will come and haul me off to a CPanonymous meeting or something and then I'd lose time playing with my babies.

So Dode busted me with the frig out there! I knew there was a tattle tale out there somewhere!

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Seems like you have been busted on a number of things,,,,lol Can't wait to come down and get the special tour.

Er, were those babies of the feline sort, or the CP sort? Seems like you have a small collection of lovely felines, too. I never did see one of them, but I could have taken your siamese home with me and my kids would have been in heaven.
By the way, my kid LOVES that boat! He immediately put it together (no small feat in itself with zillions of tiny pieces) and put it in the pond. I took a video clip but I have to find where it is on the computer so I can send it. I'm thinking it will be awhile before I get to take that to the office to use in play therapy. (I have a lot of his playmobile at my office, until he discovers where it went and I have to bring it home.) Thanks again for donating it to our cause!

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