Crepe myrtle sprouts in lawn

Duluth, GA

Last spring, we took down a large Natchez crepe myrtle in the middle of our front lawn of bermuda grass. Even though we had the stump ground, crepe myrtle shoots are popping up where the root system was underground. They have multiplied this year and are now covering a large area of our front lawn. We've tried digging up the shoots but to no avail. A broadleaf weed killer did not kill them. Does anyone know how we can be rid of these returning shoots without tearing up the entire front lawn?

Lakeland, GA

mmmmmmm Dynamite............but that would involve tearing up the front yard!LOL

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I'll sure watch this thread. I had a gigantic Bradford Pear removed three years ago and have the same problem except it is also coming up in my lawn AND in my flower beds. My neighbor said the lawn ones take about seven years to go away and I just read that round-up will help. BUT you need to either paint it on or use the "milk jug" tool. You take a plastic milk jug and cut a hole in the bottom, cap the top, cut a hole in the shoulder of the jug and spray through that hole. Wait a couple of seconds for the spray to settle. This keeps the round-up off of valuable plants.

I am going to try this and see.


Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Try salt. drill a hole in what comes up and stuff rock salt in it.

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

If they are in your front yard, are they too big to mow down? That would stave them. If not, you may have to cut them down and, using a sponge, but Round Up directly on the cut part. You may have to do it a couple of times, but it should work. I would be worried about using salt, as it may prevent your grass from growing, too.

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

2 4 D. Supposed kill most everything but grass. I haven't tried it on Crepe Myrtles, but have on red maples coming out of stumps.

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