Garden Ready Soil Northern RI / Attleboro Area?

Cumberland, RI

My yard sits on a big rock topped with about two inches of clay so to grow anything requires stupid amounts of amendments to the soil. For the past couple years I've been filling up the SUV with store-bought-bags but I have big plans to put in a large shade garden this summer.

I've been trying to chip away at this but my back is tiring from hauling the peat, composted manure and soil from the stores. I'm also going broke! Does anyone know of a supplier where I can get 8-10 yards of high quality (garden ready or near) soil delivered to northern RI / Attleboro area?

Providence, RI(Zone 6b)

Smithfield Peat in Smithfield. They have many different options and will deliver. (I believe there is a 6 yard minimum for delivery, but if you order less and need it delivered that can be arranged.) One year I had a combination of screened loam and compost delivered and it did absolute wonders for my garden.

If you are have any interest in hostas for your shade garden plan a visit to Brigg's Nursery in Attleboro in a month or so. They have a wooded area planted with an amazing amount of hostas. It isn't marked, so ask where it is, or look for the area to the left of the animals (roosters, pigs, etc!).

Cumberland, RI

Thank you Tangerine! Sounds exacltly what I'm looking for. I'm a hosta junkie but I'm looking to start mixing in some more variety as I have a big hosta bed with about 50 varieties but that's it. They need some friends.

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