Watching the Weeds Grow

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

As some of you know, I'm home now, after an 8 day stay in the hospital and two kidney operations to save my left kidney. My little sister from TN dropped everything (homeschooling 3 teenage kids, managing her husband's new business, her responsibilities to her church group and her homeschool group, as well as her own part-time job) to stay with me day and night in the hospital and then here at the house after I was released. She's really a saint, nursing me back to health, stocking my pantry and fridge with enough food to last a week or two, even cooking me a panfull of lasagna and freezing individual servicings, catering to all my needs. She went home on Wed morn. and since then I've been gathering strength and walking thru my gardens.

Before I went to the hospital, I weeded my gardens, but with all the rain we had, new weeds have taken their place. So I came home to find my gardens invaded again by weeds that are growing like...weeds. At the moment, I'm too weak and in too much pain to do much more than watch them grow. Now that I'm weening myself from the drugs, the weeds are beginnnig to get on my nerves. Some are already waist high! I'm not supposed to do anything for several weeks still, to give the incision and kidney time to heal. But I am beginning to get that urge to yank weeds and divide plants. I may just have to avoid going outside. LOL

Actually, I'm doing pretty good, behaving myself. I get out each morning and take pictures of my newest daylilies in bloom. And that pretty much wears me out. As my strength builds, it will become harder and harder to obey the doc, I'm sure. I've waited a long time for a resolution to my kidney problems, so I do not intend to sabotage my recovery. So, while y'all are playing in the dirt, I just sit here watching the weeds grow. LOL


Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Well,I can't blame an operation on the height of my weeds. Too much to do to little time to do it in.

Wishing you a speedy recovery so you can get back out to play in the dirt.


-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

Nancy, you have the right idea... Get well, then no matter how high those ##!!***%%@# weeds get, you'll have what it takes to get rid of them.

I'm going to St. Louis tomorrow morning, back home on Monday. If I'm not too pooped and the grandkids are acting like angels :) I might stop by and see you for a minute...

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Pat, I'd love the distraction! Since I can't do anything, I'm so bored! I'm too drugged to concentrate much on business, and I mostly just lie around. Soon, I'm sure, I'll really be itching to get outside. But geesh, y'all let it get hot while I was in the hospital. Temps were about 75 when I went in and about 90+ when I got out.

Drop by and see me. Do you still have my phone number?


Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

Nancy Ann, not that I'm glad you can't pull weeds, I'm just glad I'm not the only one with weeds out the wazoo!!!!! My DH pulled and pulled and hoed and hoed for 2 days, but still there is so much to do. I got out and got myself blistered and it hurts to even go out in the heat, much less in the sun. Another excuse to stay inside. Goody goody! Wish you didn't live so far away or I would come introduce myself!


Rienzi, MS(Zone 7a)

Nancy Ann, I am happy to hear that you are feeling better everyday.

Don't worry about those nasty old weeds in your flower beds, I have them too. I can't get out and do a lot of weed pulling everyday, so I just do a little everyday....then when I am finished, I have to start all over again in beds I first started. lol Keeps me busy.

You sister IS a saint and I am happy she was there to help you out.

Continue to get better. You are in our prayers.


Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Hi Linda, yes, my little sister has turned out to be my best friend. I never would have thought that. But for the last two years, she has become more and more attentive to me while I've been sick. Other friends didn't really understand the seriousness of my condition. My little sister knew that I'm never sick. And then suddenly I'm sick all the time. She was actually more concerned than I was and kept insisting that I see doctors. She even drove the two hours here and went to one of my appointments with me last year for moral support. Her concern and unselfishness gave me strength. I go back to the doc in two weeks for a checkup and I hope he tells me the problem with my kidney is no longer an issue. I'm ready to garden!

There's some Johnson grass growing in a bed in my courtyard and it's almost shoulder high. The weeds are spilling over the pathways and the better I feel, the more the weeds annoy me. Bending over right now can cause me to black out, but as soon as I get doctor approval, I'll be out there stripping those weeds as fast as I can.

Maybe we could have a weed party. Anybody wanna come?? We could call it "Weedin in Eden". LOL

MitchF from TX is coming to visit me tomorrow, and I sure hope he wears his weed blinders. LOL


-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

Please take care of yourself and take your time!!! Rome wasn't weeded in a day ;)
You let me know when your weedin' party is. I want to come help you...
Sorry I didn't stop by. I had been with my three grands for three days, and I was anxious to find a quiet place. Don't get me wrong, I'd do it again tomorrow, but 3 x excitement = pooped! And I was...
We stopped at Lamberts for dinner, and then straight home. I thought of you as we drove by your exit...

LET ME KNOW WHEN YOUR WEEDIN' PARTY CONVENES! And no, I don't have your phone ##....

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Hey Pat,

We'll have to postpone the weedin party for a while. I am still too weak. I left home for an hour this a.m. and just got back home. And I think I'm going to take a nap. My kidney is hurting some. But of course, the baskin robbins ice cream I got on the way home has it feeling better already. LOL

Sorry I missed ya on Mon. But some friends and I are planning a trip to Memphis AS SOON AS I'm able to venture out for a while. Now that I'm feeling better, I'm getting a little impatient and stir crazy.

And still the weeds grow and gloat. Can't wait to whack them down! That'll teach 'em!


-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

No hurry on you getting out to weed! Just let me know :)

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Can we have a weeding party where I just sit and supervise and occasionally bring out a pitcher of lemonade? I would just love that kind of party! (See, this surgery is teaching me to be lazy. LOL)


-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

Yes, I'd go for that! But I can't do it this Saturday, and I can't do it next Saturday... Just remember I'm almost a senior citizen, so I take breaks :)

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Well, I get to take a break from watching the weeds to pack up the heuchera co-op I started before I ended up in the hospital. About 2000 plants sitting in my living room today to be divided and shipped out to about 65 people. When I decided to do this, I didn't feel too bad and it was raining all the time. Boy how things change in a month. I'd sure love some rain now!

Since the plants are so tiny, just plugs, I don't think I'll be lifting more than I should. I might have to call a friend to come carry the bigger packages for me. She said she'd help out if needed when she comes to pick up what she ordered. So I should be pretty well occupied for the next few days. Maybe I won't notice the weeds then. LOL


-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

If you need help, I could drive over on Sunday... You don't need to be doing anything for too long a time... and I know everyone is waiting to get their plants. Let me know if you want me to come and help you.

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Hi Pat, that's so sweet of you to offer. But I think I can manage. It's actually nice to have something to do other than sitting in the recliner or sleeping. Booooring! You know I'm not one to sit still. My friend Liz said she could come over and help if I need it. She lives here in town. She's getting some of the plants from the co-op.

We'll save your visit for when we can actually have fun, visit nurseries and stuff, which I hope will be soon. I'm so eager to get back to Memphis and check out the botanical gardens. I bet they're beautiful this time of year.

Did you go to the MS plant swap they had recently?


Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 9a)


I'm glad to hear you are recovering nicely. I just know that when you visit the doctor again he is going to tell you everything is looking great.

Don't worry about those weeds. I promise, they will still be there when you are back on your feet at 100%. They're not going anywhere. Unless you have that weeding party where everybody comes and you bring us lemonade and supervise. :) LMK when you do this and I will try very hard to be there and help.

Wishing you a continued speedy recovery!


-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

Yes, I went to the swap. We had a lot of fun. There were about 16 of us, all together. Sandra and Judy were there. I got to see Ruth (Yardbird) and Lamar again, too! JudyCooksey brought a vanload of "treasures" which we all took home, along with our swaps.

We're thinking about having a fall RoundUp, also, so be thinking about coming to it! The Natchez Trace is a beautiful place to spend the day.

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

Nancy Ann, well I have not had surgery ( not this year!) and I have weeds, so just look at them and sigh. Say, come on down and visit me! Look at my daylilies and weeds. When can you travel?? ( I know it will be a while).

Shoot, our daylily club isn't having our daylily show until June 24. I won't have anything blooming then! Some of mine are finished now!!!! I might have some rebloom, but those blooms are always smaller. What a lousy time to have one. We tried to schedule ours around several other clubs that are having one so as not to conflict with theirs and we got stuck with that date.


Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)


I won't be travelling at all til these weeds are gone. I can't even get down my paths due to all the Johnson grass falling over the sidewalks. It's horrible! We had lots of wind blowing the seeds over and lots of rain and warm temps to germinate them. And it's everywhere! I have to hunt to find my daylily blooms. So as soon as I can get back out in the dirt, I'll be out there 16 hrs a day reclaiming my gardens and putting down more preen and roundup.

My brother is so funny. He can't even come in "his" door (the side door) because of the hidden sidewalk. "Something touches me!" he whines. He can't stand for anything to brush his leg as he comes down the sidewalk. Right now he's saying, "What sidewalk? Where is it??"

And he's begun mowing some of my gardens! My beautiful new pink evening primrose was loaded with blooms and seedheads and he mowed it over this week! I'm going to gather up some bricks and outline my area to keep him out of it. He and that hungry lawnmower!! I keep saying, "Patience, dear, in a few weeks, I'll clean it all up. Be patient!" He's not!

Pat, I'm sorry I missed the swap. And I'll probably miss the next one if it's in the same place. It's a 6 hr round trip for me. Too much for one day. Y'all do it in Memphis and you'll have a better chance of getting me over there.

I may host a local one this fall and post it in the newspaper and get people here in town out to the swap. It seems all you folks live too far away to attend.


Rienzi, MS(Zone 7a)

Nancy Ann, we could ALL have weeding parties..:-) I just finished one (4 hours of weeding) and have 4 more flower beds to tackle. We finally received much welcomed rain yesterday. I am sure all my weeds loved it. lol Today will be spent mowing and weed-eating, then maybe next week I will be able to get back out and takle the weeds in the flower beds.

The Roundup at Tupelo was really a great time. I am sorry you missed it. Everyone was so generous with sharing.

If you cannot make it to the fall roundup, I will send you some bulbs and seeds. I will have a list later this summer.

Now it is time to head to the yard. Have a great day.


Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Hey Linda, I think the difference is, you can get out and weed and I can't. All I can do is sit here and watch them grow bigger. Some are as tall as I am now. Normally, I'd be out there daily ripping them out. And I don't really have "beds". My entire yard is a garden. So if it goes to weeds, it's just horrible. I don't have lawn, just paths thru all the gardens. There are two vacant, untended lots around my house and when they go to seed, it all flies over here. It's a constant battle, even though I preen.

And from out of nowhere some Nutsedge grass has made its home here. I pull it out and Roundup it and still it's here! It's invading everywhere.

Once I get this co-op all packed up, I'm going to get out and do some weeding. I just can't let it go much longer. The Johnson grass is ready to go to seed which means even more of it to yank later. Queen Anne's Lace has once again found my gardens and I need to yank her out as well as the thistle and the wild coreopsis before they reseed too. So next week, I'm getting out there, no more looking out the window wishing I could be out there. A little weeding certainly wouldn't hurt me, I don't think, as long as I do it within reason. It hurts worse to sit here and watch them taking over. Grrrrrrrrr.

I can't wait til I can dig. I have about 500 named daylilies (half of which are in pots waiting for a permanent home in my gardens). They're blooming now and I see a lot that I want to cull from my gardens. Then I'll have room to plant my new ones.

Then there are fences and arbors to build, along with a pergola and a greenhouse. All of this I do by myself. So I need to hurry up and get back to "normal" so I can git 'er done. Maybe next year I can host another garden party and people can actually see real, well-tended gardens and structures. Maybe!

Rienzi, MS(Zone 7a)

Wow... Nancy Ann, I invy you your yard garden. I know how you feel about not being able to get out there and git-er-done. Please take every precaution when you are out next week weeding. I wish I lived close, I would come help you out some. I cannot stand for any length of time, so I just sit on the ground and weed that way. I am sure people driving by think it is funny to see an old woman sitting in the middle of her flower

Let us know how you feel next week after weeding. I will keep a good thought for you.


Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

Ok, folks - after you have Nancy Ann's weeding party you ought to be in good shape and then can come on down to Clinton and help me out !!! I know I can find some daylilies in payment (older ones or unnamed ones, which wouldn't be very exciting for some of you , even if they ARE pretty !). I am trying to map out my older beds - some tags have been accidentally pulled up and thrown out over the years and some have faded to the point where you can't read the names so I am taking pictures of every one of them (hundereds) and ,by process of elimination, trying to figure out what they are. I HAVE to get some out of there to put in my new ones!!! I have some in pots that have been waiting for ages to get in the ground. "Then I have some heeled over in my sand box also waiting - and they aren't looking too good! !!! Too much shade, not enough water and nutrients. This task is almost too much for me. I end the day feeling like I will cry if anyone says anything to me. Pretty pitiful,huh??? I am ready for gardening to be fun again.


Rienzi, MS(Zone 7a)

Libby, Please don't cry. I had spinal injections yesterday and if I felt better I would come help you and maybe give some of those daylillies a new home. It might be a couple of weeks before I feel like doing anything so if they will last that long I will come and help you out.

Nancy Ann, I hope you are feeling better this week.


Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Maybe we should do a "travelling weedin party". Once a month we could load up and travel around taking care of each other's yards. A couple of friends and I swap out work. I do something for them, and they do something for me. Right now they're so busy though. He's working out of town a lot and she's hasn't been feeling well. They have agreed to help me build a fence when the time comes.

I am feeling much better this a.m. I got some great sleep last night and I'm up, bright-eyed and bushytailed this a.m. Today, I'm going to pot up all the plants from two co-ops and I'm going to battle the weeds. My sidewalks are obscured and I'm getting regular visitors who want to see my gardens, and you have to move the weeds over to see the blooms! Once I get the weeds gone, I can put down some more Preen. I WILL be victorious is this battle of the weeds. I WILL!!!!


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Gosh Libby, I know exactly how you feel except my situation isn't with Daylilies, too much stuff and so little time.

How about hiring someone to help you out for a couple of weeks or so. I know day workers don't know anything and you have to stay right with them and it takes a lot out of you, but at least they would be doing the heavy work and you wouldn't be crying.....

Cyber Hugs cause I know your pain.


Ripley, MS

Libby, you are like me, have more than you are able to take care of, I need more sunny places too to put some of mine. Some days I feel like I can take on the world and then other days, I say outgrow the weeds if you can I don't care!!

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

I was finally able to get out and do some light weeding yesterday. I still can't do the hard stuff, and it's tough for me to ignore a big clump of Johnson grass, but I've waited a long time to be done with these kidney problems. So I'm trying really hard to follow doctor's orders.

It's been a constant battle for at least three years trying to tackle the weeds, maintain my gardens, and work around kidney stones and chronic kidney infections. I'm hoping I'm near the end now, as long as the other kidney doesn't decide to flare up (stones in there too).

I'm going back out today to reclaim some more of my courtyard and find another sidewalk, I hope. This is what I managed clear out yesterday. Before I started, you would not even know there was a sidewalk there.

Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser
Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

This is what I hope to get done today. This is part of the courtyard. Right in front is a clump of Johnson grass as tall as I am, hiding my little pond. There's a sidewalk that winds around the tall grass towards the trees in the back. Can you see it? Me neither. But by day's end, I hope to. I'm not sure how tough this big clump will be but I hope I can get it out without much trouble. I'm not supposed to do any digging for about 3 more weeks and this monstrosity is driving me nuts!

There are daylilies lining the sidewalk which you can't see. Occasionally I spot a bloom among the weeds.

This message was edited Jun 7, 2006 9:12 AM

Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser
Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Here's the path leading to my brothers house. The walkway is normally about 3 ft wide. I hope to rediscover that in the next day or two.

Lining the walkway are more daylilies...and tons of johnson grass. Can you tell which is which?

This message was edited Jun 7, 2006 9:02 AM

Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser
Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Here's a raised bedthat I had just weeded and had all nice and neat before I went to the hospital. Now it's covered in nutsedge grass, morning glories, and some tall thistle that's now scattering its seeds everywhere. This eyesore is right in the front, where every passerby can see.

My entire yard is a garden and it's a mess. Last year, I reduced the size of my garden, giving my brother back a 20 x 150' strip of his land. Due to illness, I just couldn't keep up with it all so I got rid of a lot of plants to get down to a maintainable size. Hopefully this year my health will be back on track so I can maintain all this. It's quite a lot of work for a single person. And I can't afford to hire help.

Sometimes, I get discouraged and wonder why I try. It sometimes seems I'm not making any progress and maybe I should just let it all revert back to grass. But then I decided as long as I can get out in play in the dirt, progress isn't really the issue. I just need to get dirty. The dirtier I am, the happier I am. But I would like to be able to at least maintain what I've got. My gardens go all the way around the house, and I really love walking them each morning and seeing who's blooming for me. Grass just doesn't have the same impact.

This message was edited Jun 7, 2006 9:10 AM

Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser
Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

For comparison, here's a picture to compare to the second picture I posted above, the one with the Johnson grass as tall as I am. I've been working my heiny to reclaim the courtyard. And here's part of it. Did you know there was a pond behind all that grass? And look, there's the cobblestone path that goes back to another patio and my potting area. I am so happy to rediscover it!

Now this afternoon I'll reclaim the path that leads to my brother's house. Then he might come over for a visit again. We used to spend a few minutes on my porch every afternoon when he got off work. Since the weeds obscured the path, well, he hasn't ventured over.


Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser
-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

How in the world did you do that so quickly? I am such a slow weeder...

Now you take care of yourself, ya he'ah?

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

One of the reasons it was so quick is because it was all rooted in mulch. Much easier to weed in mulch. And the other reason is motivation--I wanted to see my bloomers! LOL

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

Mulch does make all the difference... Most of mine is in clay, ugh!

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

I'm worn out now. Can't wait to shower and crawl in my recliner for the rest of the evening. What a wimp I am!!!

But I am proud of the progress I made. Here's an "after" pic to compare with the 3rd picture I posted above. There's now a very clear pathway from my house to Terry's. And if he's careful, NOTHING will touch him! LOL

Tomorrow, I'll actually move in among the flowers and pull the Johnson grass and smartweed out. Today's goal was to open paths, and I accomplished that. YAY!!!!

When it's all done, I'll scatter out some Preen and water it in. I do NOT want to do this again!


Ripley, MS

Nancy I am so glad you are feeling like yourself again, I am still wimpy and haven't been through what you have, I have to do a little and rest a little, my back and leg still give me trouble and when it gets this hot my diabetes acts up if I stay out very long.

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

I'm still battling the fatigue too. And the pain. I've come in several times to lie down for a while and cool off and ease the pain. That's just what you have to do. I haven't been myself in years and I've got a long way to get back there, but I'm improving each day and I'm so excited about eventually being me again.

I'm still pretty wimpy and I want to be digging and dividing daylilies so bad! So many are in the wrong place or I simply don't want them now that I have better ones. Or they're just so thick. It will be a while before I can dig and do heavy lifting. But one day I'll be back to building arbors, maybe pouring some concrete sidewalks (I would like wheelchair-accessible gardens), and digging up large shrubs and clumps of daylilies. Wish I could afford to hire some help. It's a lot for one person to do alone, but that's never stopped me before. LOL

Is there anything that can be done for you back, Sandra? I know you've tried different things, but do you now just have to live with it? Have you considered raised beds that would be about wheelchair height?

I read about a guy who got federal grants to go around and build raised gardens for disabled people. Most beds were easily accessible from a wheelchair, where you could sit and easily reach to the center of the bed. I think the beds were about 4' x 8' where one could wheel all around it in a wheelchair and tend to it. I know I'm not at the stage where I need it now, but I think every garden should have gardens like that. We'd be thankful when we get to the point where we can't bend or get up after squatting down. Right now even, something like that would be a lot easier on my back.

How's Judy doing, by the way? Tell her I said hi.

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Guess I overdid it yesterday. I think the other weeds out there can wait a while. I'm taking the day off and doing some paperwork and napping today. It's Friday. Who should work on Friday anyway. LOL


Ripley, MS

Judy's back is worse than mine, none of the 4 surgeons she went to will touch her it is in such a bad shape, she keeps dragging along though.
I just have to not over-do, I have learned my llimits and I "usually" stick to them.
Sounds like you did a little too much too
One day you will not even notice you are well and everything will be back to normal.

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