Just sayin Hi

Gulfport, MS(Zone 8a)

I'm looking forward to spending time in this forum.

I've been spending alot of my spare time, as short as it it, walking around the woods behind our new house. We have 8 acres that look like they've never been explored.

So far I've found about 6 or 7 different types of ferns. I've yet to bring the camera out but the weather hasnt been very cooperative either. I will get pics and hopefully we can get some of these id!

On my walks I've also found dog-tooth violets, wild strawberries, trilliums, jack in the pulpits and this other thing that i know what it is just cant think of the name. Its used in floral designing...no leaves, about 1 1/2-2 ft tall, almost reedy, hollow, but it grows in segments. the banding is brown....not sure if anyone knows what i'm talking about, lol..it would be much easier to post a pic, eh?

Clearfield, PA(Zone 5a)

Sounds interesting--I would like to see your pics. ~~Sandy~~

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

are you talking about Equisetum/ Horsetails?
I come across those too in NE PA.

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

RUK....Thanks for the link. I think that I've seen the Equisetum pratense in my woods, and didn't realize that it was a fern. Does it transplant well? There is some growing right on the side of my country road, along with some Onoclea sensibilis and possibly some form of yarrow, that may benefit from rescue. How might it fair in a garden? Is it invasive? That area is too dark right now for a good photograph, so will try and get one tomorrow.


Gulfport, MS(Zone 8a)


Its not a fern, just something that I mentioned that I found growing back near the ferns.

Pretty cool looking plant tho, eh?

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Equisetum here is VERY invasive! I don't know which type it is, but I had it once in my garden elsewhere, and you cannot get rid of it. It sends down tap roots to the other side of the earth, pulling it or digging it doesn't get rid of it, and it is a constant job. Leave it one year and your are invaded.

There was a news article many years ago, they had carved out a hill for a new motorway and found it's roots 30 feet down.

There is a variety sold for use in ponds, that can be controlled.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

30 feet??!!! Wow!

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