Castle Drive

(Zone 7b)

I lost my plant of this variety this year, due to an over abundance of rain - can't find a reputable seller up here who carries it - wondering if anyone is interested in doing a trade with me? I loved this one!

Thumbnail by 2zeus
(Zone 7b)

Or, can suggest one very similar to replace it? Any and all ideas gratefully received.

Chicago, IL

How beautiful. I am sorry you lost it. I don't have any like that at all. :-(

Aptos, CA


That is beautiful, did you try the big list on It showed that these folks have carried can find their web addresses on the big list...
Alpen Gardens
Arrowhead Dahlias
Art’s Nursery
BJ's Dahlias
E&S Dahlias
Pleasant Valley Dahlias

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

I agree, that's a beauty and I wish you well locating it.

Aptos, CA

Do you think we'll all be looking for "Castle Drive" for next season???

hhhhhmm heehee

(Zone 7b)

that link just gives me a wierd page that takes me nowhere, but thanks to your list, I looked them up individually, and wrote to ask if they still had one - no reply yet!

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a) The link was short an "s"

Great website, chock full of information including the Big List locator.

(Zone 7b)

Wow, what a great website! Thanks so much!

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

You're welcome 2Zeus. I keep coming back to look at Castle Drive LOL. So far, it hasn't wilted one little bit! It's really a pretty dahlia with that hint of yellow.

(Zone 7b)

Here it is in a clump - you can see why I'm mourning the loss, eh?

Thumbnail by 2zeus
(Zone 7b)

It was a great producer, too, lots of cut flowers, and it just kept putting them out right up until the frost!

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

I think what's haunting me is that it looks sooooooo familiar, as if I've grown it before, or one very similar to it. Yes, I definitely understand why you'd miss it! As they say in England: "It's a belter!"

(Zone 7b)

Art's Dahlias carries it, but my one order with them was very bad - tiny tubers, half of which just never grew, so I'm not chancing it again.

Aptos, CA


Sorry about the typo in the web address...Sure hope you find it!

(Zone 7b)

I have, thanks to you guys!

E&S Dahlias on that "big list" carries it, and has one in stock.

Thankyou SO much - I love DG!

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Oooo, that's a beaut! No wonder you want to replace it!


Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

:)))))) A gal at work has friends who are avid dahlia growers. She left a bag of extra tubers from them for me at work where I picked them up this a.m.. Never in a million years will you guess who is in the bag amongst others: "C Drive." "C Drive" written in big beautiful Sharpie on the tuber. You google it and see how many dahlias it could be. I'm so excited I feel like the big Lottey winner! Even if it isn't Castle Drive, I'll be happy to see what it is.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Sounds like one of those computerized dahlias, if you dont like it just write control alt delete on a label and stick it in.

The closest I would have to that one is Bablylon Pink

(Zone 7b)

Poochella, Castle Drive really is a spectacular dahlia, and I hope that is what you got - I've never found one before or since that is that luscious creamy pale pink shade - you make sure you send us photos, eh?

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Definitely 2 Zeus, If I can grow it successfully I will gladly post photos. I just hope it is Castle Drive. Right now all the tubers are in the bag of soil avoiding our 46 degrees and 3 inches of rain in the past week garden soil. I believe I will try it in a pot and not risk rotting.

Chicago, IL

And you know who is panting with her tongue hanging hoping for a windfall from you, Pooch.
No shame here at all, ya know, especially for a beauty like that. :-)

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Well Nai, cross your fingers and have no shame whatsoever: If I get tubers you'll be first on the list. First I have to see it grow. I will have my co-worker verify the ID from her friends ASAP as well.

I'm still amazed at my luck. Out of only a dozen tubers, several duplicates at that, what are the odds that Castle Drive would possibly land at my doorstep right after it was posted here?

(Zone 7b)

It was obviously meant to be, don't you agree?

Aptos, CA

Oh wow Pooch, what luck! No CD for me...maybe next year! Can't wait to see pictures though!!

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

I know why Castle Drive was picking at my brain as familiar: Here is Hillier Tanunda (or Tanuda) which will be new for me this year- very similar although maybe a brighter pink.

(Zone 7b)

Oooooh! I want one! That is ravishing.
Bad Poochella, enabling like this!

Now I'm going to have see if I can find that one for next year....sigh, it's such a hard life.:)

Aptos, CA

Oh Golly,

I have Hilleure Tanunda. It came as a bad looking tuber...I am trying relly hard to get it to grow...has sprout barely peeping out...hhhmmm, we'll see what happens. I am definately going to try to find Castle Drive for next season though...but wait...I need to begin THIS season!

(Zone 7b)

LOL! Typical gardener, already planning for next year...I'm already doing DH just rolls his eyes.

Chicago, IL

Drool. Drool. Drool. For both. LOL. ( Yucky me : -)

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Months later, with frost knocking at the door, I have to post my meager entry of Castle Drive- maybe 1/3 open. This is an absolute night shot, but I doubt much different in daylight: faded salmon- barely pink, with yellow, still nice form for a nearly frozen dahlia! There are several others opening on the plant so maybe a better color will emerge but this late, this cold- I am dubious. Will have to start it in a pot next year for a jump start on the 4 moths to bloom time! Meanwhile, I'll just look at 2 Zeus' photos!

Thumbnail by Poochella
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

My, that sure is a very pretty one tho. Even tho it is late. The colors and form of the petals are great!

Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

Pooch, I had one call Daytona that looks exactly like your photo. I have grown it for 5 years but lost it this year . It grew to 2 ft and never got a flower and when I dug her up , no viable tubers. Happens sometimes

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Yup it happens Willow. I will retry Castle Drive though. If I recall, it didn't get planted until well into June. All of those donated tubers planted at that same time were slow because of it. Too wet. I can't believe how many clumps I'm seeing with a nearly totally rotted Mother tuber. It's amazing I have any dahlias at all! Too cold, and too wet too often out here in May, even June.

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