Ylang Ylang

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

Thread moved from http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/592264/

My 2 year old Dwarf ylang ylang ( Cananga odorata var. Fruticosa) started to bloom a couple of weeks ago and is showing no signs of stopping.

Does any body know about collecting seeds?

the first blooms are starting to die now ,

PF says they are good for propagating.

id be happy to collect some to share if some one could tell me what to do, when to collect , how to store them etc.

Smells sweetest on warm nights
(Temp tonight, 81 degrees and 77% humidity.)

I got it from my favorite nursery http://toptropicals.com/catalog/uid/cananga_fruticosa.htm


Thumbnail by celt33040
Scottsdale, AZ(Zone 9b)

congratulations. Your garden must smell so heavenly. I wish I am your neighbor so I can enjoy the fragrance for free!!LOL!!

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

If I can have some Ill give you a site that has more than you ever wanted to know about Ylang trees. Promise?? Ok
I have a small tree but I think its not so happy and I want to start again from seed.

Edited to add
Watch the birds!! They will steal your seeds for dinner!

This message was edited May 24, 2006 11:11 PM

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

Thank you Caren,

That is a lot of info, really great stuff.

No sign of any fruit yet but as soon as they arrive and are ripe, i will collect them as per the instructions and ill send you some.

I'll keep it photo documented .

This is the first tropical tree that I have cared for this long and im excited to follow it through its natural phases.

btw we have very few birds here in Key West, some times they drop in on their migration route. or get blown in on a storm. Chickens are our only problem.


South West, LA(Zone 9a)

So what are you feeding it? Flowers on such a small plant, you must be doing something very right! Mine is about 3ft maybe 4 and no sign of anything but leaves.

Edited to say I have no brain!!! I never saw the var. Fruticosa Duh!
I was fallowing along from the Tropical forum... was var. Fruticosa specified there too? LOL! I kicked myself around all day trying to find out what I was doing wrong. Well Im not sure if the site I sent you helped and but I hope you have luck with the seeds!

This message was edited May 25, 2006 10:08 PM

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

Im sorry it was just listed as Ylang Ylang on the other thread, thats all I knew it by untill I got into researching it. I guess this one is a the small version.

We will be moving out of the Keys soon so the potted ones are easier for me to take with me. Hope to have them all in the ground one day and then I can get a full tree.

(cant deal with hurricanes sitting out here in the middle of the ocean any more) .

So the fruit develops from the bud where the flower was?

you still want seeds for the var. Fruticosa?


South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Neil, I was reading thru the site I gave you and listed under Known Varieties
var. Fruticosa is said to never produce fruit. In my opnion 'Never' is a very strong word but all the same I wouldnt be to upset if there is no seed :o(
I know what you mean about the hurricanes! after Rita pumled you she came after me! If we get hit again were moving too!

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

Oh well,
Thanks for all the help, i still havent got ro read the whole thing.
But you never know
Never say never

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

I agree! Good luck and cross your fingers!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Heavinscent.......... the season is coming soon, I pr and hope that you do not get hit again.....this goes for all LA habitants.

celt......... In the event you do get seeds I would be interested in some. I would like to have some more tall potted plants.

good luck,

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

I think that should be extended to all Hurricane prone areas!! The last thing I heard was 10 named storms in the gulf but, I hope thats not the case!!!!! I pray for a quick and uneventfull Hurricane season!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I understand... and yes I send my pr's to all Hurricane prone areas.

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Very sweet Calvin! ;o)

Sugar Land, TX(Zone 9a)

Tha's a beautiful plant. I'll have to find one. Do you always keep it in a pot?

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

Yes It's been potted singe i got it in a little one gallon, although this is its third pot, each time I see the roots coming out the end I moved it up a size, it seems very happy I fed it bloom booster each time.

I got it from my favorite nursery [HYPERLINK@toptropicals.com]

Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

celt33040, you asked about the care & planting of the Ylang Ylang seeds. I've grown many Ylang Ylang trees from seed though they have all been the normal, large Cananga Odorata, not the dwarf var Fruiticosa. I collected the seeds, cleaned and dried them. I either kept them for a while or planted them immediately. (depended if I was exchanging them or not). Either way, they take a longggg time to germinate. About 4+ months. The growth of the tree is very slow in its early stage. My present seedlings are about 2.5 years old and are hardly 2 feet. However, they are still in a very large pot and I'm about to plant them out. Once in the soil, they do speed up and the ones that are now about 15' and blooming are about 5 years old. They are more floriferous as well as taller than the one I bought! However, despite the vast number of flowers they all have, none are seeding as yet. If you do plant seeds, be patient.

Actually, there is a better way to propogate this lovely fragrant tree. I'm sure yours will be ok with this as well. AIRLAYERING. One of the best reasons to air-layer is that the plant does not start out as a 'seedling' but as a daughter of the mother plant. Meaning that if the mother is flowering, the daughter too will flower just as the mother does. Starting out with a seedling, one has to wait till its mature enough to produce flowers. Try airlayering and I'm confident you'll never look back. For example: my brunfelsias take 6 weeks to root and bloom within a very short time once they are established in the soil.


Just a note here: I don't cut a wedge as indicated in some of the tutorials, but immediately powder and wrap the wound as indicated. Maybe cutting a wedge would produce more roots, but I can't comment as I've never done it.

Just for fun, do try airlayering!

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

On what kind of wood do you find the air layering works best on the Cananga?
I really don't know if mine will take the winter here and I was looking for a way to make sure at least some of it will make it thru the winter. I have a portable green house for it but I want to be sure! Any help with this would be wonderful!

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

I just checked the date on the first post and was amazed that it's been in bloom non stop since then. I have a couple of airlayering kits I want to try out but havent got around to it. Thanks for the reminder. Im getting into trading so they'll be go to barter with.
Q. if I airlayer a branch that is already capable of blooms , does that mean that as soon as it has roots it will be able to bloom or do I still have to wait all over again for it to mature?

Virginia Beach, VA

I just found this thread and very impressed with your tree. It smell heavenly!!! I had seen huge plants in the orient and I love the smell. I have a 3 year old tree and is 2.5 foot right now. I just purchased 5, 12-14 inches plants on ebay and these are very healthy plants. I am not sure if they are from seeds or cuttings. Congratulations!! Bellie

This message was edited Dec 3, 2006 11:19 AM

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

Thanks Bellie
no blooms at the moment but its starting to grow again, putting out some new shoots. Im goig to try air layering it to get some new plants for the spring. How much are they charging on Ebay for them.

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Mine is still blooming too!

Thumbnail by Clare_CA
Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Here is my big one in the ground:

Thumbnail by Clare_CA
Virginia Beach, VA

How old is your tree? I hope my 3 year old plant bloom soon. Bellie

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Hi Bellie! I'm sorry that I forgot to watch this thread and haven't answered you until now. I think my tree is around five years old. Usually the regular non-dwarf ones have to get to a level of maturity before they bloom. The dwarf ones bloom right away.

Edited to add: my dwarf one is the one shown flowering. The regular one hasn't flowered yet.

This message was edited Dec 15, 2006 11:25 AM

Virginia Beach, VA

Thank you for your reply. Bellie

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