Multicolor mophead

Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

No idea what this is called, it was here when I bought the house. The blooms started out pink, but they have added a lot of purple to them and some violet. The bushes are not nearly as large as the hydranges I used to grow in NW Florida...nor are they anywhere near as large as the oakleaf hydrangeas, but they may be a smaller variety, or it may be because the soil here is clay and the soil there is sand. In any case, they are pretty.

Thumbnail by BamaBelle
Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

Shes a beauty Bama, looks so healthy too!

Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

She gets fed often and watered almost daily. We have had a drought here since winter...a few really heavy rains interspersed with nada. Today it is in the 90s and it is suffocating outside. I had to go out and water the babies lest they all die.

Portland, TX(Zone 9a)


What do you feed your hydrangeas?


Redford, MI

Very pretty! I love any flower that changes color while blooming.

Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

I feed them Miracle Grow and every few weeks I give them some Epsom salts. Mostly I just make sure they have lots of water.

I love plants that change color when they bloom, too. There is a type of hibiscus that is native to this area. It is commonly called a Confederate Rose. They vary in color from almost white to dark pink....all on the same bush. And they make HUGE bushes...As tall as a house and almost as wide. I first noticed them when I was about 25 and asked my grandmother what they were. When I got back home I started trying to find them at the nurseries but all I could find were hibiscus...they were so big and so bushy I could not believe that they were hibiscus! I finally got furstrated and gave up. Now I know they really are a hibiscus and the plants I saw for sale were the same plants. LOL!

Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks for info--I too love the color of the one you posted--looks like a light purple--will it change as the blooms mature or stay that pastel lilac???

Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

They seem to change from a pinkish color, to a more purple color, to a lighter violet, almost blue color. This is my first year with these plants so I am learning them as I go.

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