Great Xeri plants...

Mesilla Park, NM

Gaillarda Fanfare

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

Gaillarda Goblin ?

Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

Mexican feather grass - reseeds like crazy though, looks nice in the fields

Thumbnail by Gourd
(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Yay! I'm growing both of those Gaillardias from seed and they just started to bloom. It's wonderful when something beautiful comes up from seed - I'm always so gratified. I wonder how long they'll bloom? It's supposed to go over 105 degrees here this week.

I've had the feather grass for a while but in my yard it refuses to reseed ;( I *wanted* it to) maybe it's too dry.

Thanks for posting these, both great xeric plants.

Mesilla Park, NM

It will be getting hot here too, today it is supposed to be 101 - 102...

These are doing great in the heat though.

The grasses sure are reseeding here and I am surprised that they are reseeding in the Decomposed Granite. That stuff is hard as a rock. I wonder if when it rains, it softens up and that is when the seeds get in there?

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Dunno - but when seeding wildflower patches here, it's known that gravel surfaces have a better germination rate than plain dirt. I'm really not sure why - perhaps it just hides the seeds from the birds or acts as a mulch to keep the moisture in once it gets there ...?

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

I have bunnytail grass and it won`t reseed and I can`t get the seeds to grow off the plant, indoors either. Maybe it is too hot so the seeds dry out on the plant and burn?

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

My Gaillardias did great in my heat and sand in the spring and the first part of summer. But I thought they were perennials. All but one appeared to have died off. I did let them go to seed because I saw they were dying. Did they die or just go dormant for the summer?

Gourd, are you moving? away from California? Or when you say "moving" does that mean you had a quake?

Salvias, ornamental grasses, cupheas and buddleias do great in my xeric front yard. And the b'flys and H'birds love them.


Mesilla Park, NM

Hi there Molly,
Will be moving out of state, to New Mexico (southern NM right outside of El Paso, TX. Hopefully we will have a PO box in a couple of weeks until we find a house. We leave CA mid-October, so you may not see me on Dave's for a couple of months till we take our puter out of storage. I guess we'll be in a hotel for awhile. Thank god it is desert area there too, most of the plants growing here will do great there. Hopefully, I can go native and xeri there also.

The gaillardia will come back for you. Mine are still blooming and you can deadhead for the seeds too. Or, deadhead them before the go to seed and you will get more blooms.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Thank you A.

I did dead head a few then left a few to go to seed on their own. I am doing that with all my annuals and perennials this year since my garden is new. I want all that stuff to come back next spring and surprise and overwhelm me.

Good luck on your move. I hope it goes smoothly for you and you get you puter back up and running in short order. I the meantime, I shall see you about until you disappear.


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