First time making pots

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Today way my first time at making outside pots. I have tons of plants but all are inside. But I wanted some color outside so I bought some things that were on sale at HD. Then I went to Walmart and bought some fruit bowls for 97 cents and drilled holes in the bottom of them. I tried to match the color of the flowers with the bowl but then I sort of had some leftover plants so I started putting all kinds of things together. I think most of them look pretty good. I still have to get a hanging basket to put my geraniums in but that is about it. So, I hope you guys don't think I did too bad.

The first one I called the Orange Bowl.


Thumbnail by Plantcrazii
Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

The next one is made up of Coleus. I'm guessing they will fill out some and get bushier. I hope so anyway.


Thumbnail by Plantcrazii
Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

The next one I call the Pink Bowl.


Thumbnail by Plantcrazii
Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

The next one I call Salvia.


Thumbnail by Plantcrazii
Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

The next one is Sweet Potato.


Thumbnail by Plantcrazii
Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Here are some petunias.


Thumbnail by Plantcrazii
Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

The next one is an old piece of column. I kept the bottom thinking it would look good with some flowers in it but I think I need some type of ivy or sweet potato vine to wrap around it. But for now I used it with these little flowers.


Thumbnail by Plantcrazii
Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Here is the last photo of all of them together.


Thumbnail by Plantcrazii
Covington, KY(Zone 6a)


Your color bowls are very pretty. I plant containers/planters for a greenhouse and my own clients. I love doing lots of different things. Those bowls will be so big in such a short time. The Coleus will get very bushy and tall. Good luck with your new plantings and share some photos as the summer progresses.


(Zone 6a)

Nice work Jessie!!! They look great and have good colour matches. Can't even tell it's your first time. My fav is the orange bowl :)


Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Steve. That one is my favorite too. And can you believe that it was the first one that I made? But I'm sort of partial to orange anyway.


(Zone 6a)

You must be a natural at container gardening!


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Beautiful containers, you done good!!

Once they fill out you will have a beautiful display!


The Coleus will look stunning in a few months, they grow like weeds for me, just remember to pinch off the flowers....(a t least that is what Mom told me??)

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks guys. I will remember to pinch off the flowers. I wish I had known what kind of containers I was going to use when I bought the flowers. I had no idea what to buy, I was buying all the ones that were only a dollar. Next time I go I will know more of what to buy. I did buy some lantana but it was not a dollar. I need to go back and get one more for a basket I am making. I just love the lantana. It is so beautiful. I have heard that you can bring it inside during the winter. Does anyone know for sure?


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Jesse, you did a great job putting those containers together! I love those big colorful bowls! You found some nice big containers, too... I get tempted sometimes by small cute little ones, but keeping them watered on my sunny deck is a real challenge, LOL.

You're going to have great color all summer long!

(Zone 6a)

I've seen the lantana in houseplant books before, so you should be able to bring it in.


Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

I fell in love with it last year at Dr Don's place. I had never seen it before. Then I came home and found it at our Home Depot. I hope that I can because it is one of my favorite plants.


(Zone 6a)

If it was indoors it would probably need pretty bright light.

Thornton, IL

Great looking containers Plantcrazii! I'm a little worried that the torenia (the blue flower) can't take full sun like the rest of those flowers do. If it starts to fade you can replace it with some of the Laguna lobelia that PW has this summer. It's a true blue that can take more sun than usual. As for the ones in the column, since the Dusty Miller likes full sun, you could replace it with lamium, for the silvery effect. I'll be watching how big those coleus plants get, I think 6 or 7 is plenty for one bowl. I do think you have a great eye for color, you just have to pay closer attention to the sun/shade requirements, esp. since you live in a hot climate. I want you to succeed at having flowers all summer long! I plan to copy one of your ideas. I bought some dark purple salvia and dusty miller. I think I'll grab some yellow celosia, same as your salvia container, only different colors. Thanks for the inspiration! :0)

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

Definately pinch back the coleus flowers..... they get scraggly looking after they bloom. It will also make them bush out more. There are bunch of coleus addicts on the coleus forum... they can tell you all you want to know about them and more. Its a great bunch.. stop over sometime and show them your coleus container :)

I love them all by the way.... but my fave is the coleus, can't wait to see it filled out!


SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

We in the coleus forum consider ourselves to be in recovery.

We are also a "self-help" group. We help ourselves to whatever coleu are available, whenever and however we need to!

Thank you for sharing.

Centreville, VA(Zone 7a)


They all look lovely and colourful. Love the way you have mixed all the colurs and the bowls. I love the Saliva its quite similar to the one I made. Dont they look

Was waiting to see what you did with the moss . I liked that idea because I was planining the same with my bowls. Give a feel like they are under the River Rocks in my patio.

Waiting for more pics....


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