changes in journel format today HELP

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

today for some reason when I look at the journal entry for the first time the boxes in the rid column are all checked (before it was blank and I would chose which items to check rather than having to uncheck everything to chose only a couple of items to move) this is not a good thing. Whats up? Because of this I almost sent my entire list to a new place rather than the two items that I wanted to move. It is rather inconvenient to have to clear 600 boxes to move 2. Or am I imagining things?

Also before today when I would do an entry, a list of choices would pop up that started with the first letter which I typed in. These were any thing I had typed previously in a particular field. . such as in, location, if I typed " m" up would pop" middle bed" ," middle herb bed" etc. which was really helpful. where did this go? Thanks, Patti

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Patti, I see the same thing in my journal with all the boxes being checked. I think Dave was in there making some changes today so hopefully that one will go back to normal at some point.

As for the list of choices in your second question, I think that's actually something that Internet Explorer does, not DG because I've seen that function on other websites too. I've also noticed that the computer loses it's memory of those words/phrases after a while, so I think all you need to do is type it in once and then it should remember it again. Hope that makes sense!

Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

One thing Dave did today was to add a thumbnail photo to the far left (if there were any downloaded under an individual item)- I thought it was GREAT... but I hope it hasn't created other problems...

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

ecrane3. Thanks for the reply, it reassures me that I am not nuts. I will check and see if the changes are still in effect. Patti

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

ecrane3. I just checked and the pop ups reappeared which is terrific, but those insidious checked boxes are still in effect. I am not sure how to reach the powers that be to get an answer. I asked another question about changing the default date some time ago, but never got an answer. I do love the diary and journal. It is a huge help and joy to me, so I am only voicing a minor complaint. Now I need to see what Palmbob is so excited about. Patti

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Yes, I love love (perhaps another love) the new feature. I think my check mark problem may have happened because of this change, so I may have to deal with the manual unchecking of items that I don't want to change when I wish to move a group rather than just checking the items I wish to move in order to enjoy this new feature. To check or not to check, that is the question. Patti

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Patti, I don't know what caused the checked boxes--I think Terry stops by this forum from time to time so she could alert Dave, or the other thing you could to is go into the DG forum, there's a thread there talking about the changes to the journal and you could post the concern there and Dave might be more likely to see it. I'm sure it's something that happened accidentally when he was reprogramming to add the thumbnails--hopefully getting rid of the check marks won't mean that we have to lose those too!

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