dying over hear!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm reading , DROOLing , and Father forgive me...... lusting after some clematis.

So, Everyone who is willing to share seeds, cuttings, extra plants please post here. Or tell me how I use the whole plant trade section so I can saitsfy this hunger.



goodview, VA(Zone 7a)

I do have some clematis seed's coming from ebay. If you would like some just let me know what you have or don't have and i will let you know when i get them if you want some i will be glad to send you some of mine.
God Bless,

Sorry calvin it's to early in the morning i have poppy seed's coming from ebay but am still willing to share. Maybe as we get clematis seed's we can share those also.

This message was edited May 22, 2006 8:41 AM

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

thanks Keith,

but I have to pass on the poppy seeds. Drug testing and all((JOKING)).lol

really, I don't have room right now for anymore seeds. I will have to wait for seeds. Going to the store in a couple of days to try and find some 4" and up plastic pots, like the ones you get when you buy a plant at the nursery. all my seedlings need to go to pots or I will loose some to crouded rooms. Not enough prepared garden yet to plant directly in the ground.


Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)

Our Wal Mart had some nice clematis for $4.88 a pot. Maybe yours does too.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)


I checked the local Wally World(one of my favorite stores....) and no luck. No Clematis for me. I am finding great deals this late into spring, go figure, but when I get ready to check out I find that s&h kill the deal. well maybe someday I get the vines.


Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)

Calvin (and others)
I'm trying to get to WM tomorrow and I'd be glad to pick up one (2) for you and mail to you if you'd reimburse me the cost plus s & h. S & H is probably about $4 so total would be about $9-$9.25.

Maybe you'll see this post tonight since I'm trying to go in the am.


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm sorry I missed the post. 1 would have been nice? I always seem to be falling short.

I went to WM this morning myself and belive it or not They just got a shipment of evpo123(at least I think that was the name) they were small about 10" in height and in bloom, but the plant in general was in p... poor condition. And the price was about 17.95 per plant. I came home short handed, wasn't going to pay that price for a plant in that condition.

I think I missed you and your trip. So, thank you for the thoughts and williingness to try and help........VERY much appreciated.


Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Do you have a Home Depot down there. They've been selling clematis up here for 5.99. Nice looking ones too. I pickup up Candida. Couldn't pass up such a deal on such a nice looking plant. Not like the ones from Silver Star, but almost as good as the ones I got from Brushwood.

Thumbnail by beaker_ch
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I'll go and look at Home Depot tomorrow or today depending on when you start your day. I am a graveyard worker.


Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

We're generally about two months behind you guys as far as plant availability, so I hope you're not disappointed. It probably is the bottom of the barrel for you right now. I can't believe Walmart is selling clematis at that price. Seems way too high. I think most of our local nurseries sell them for about 12.99. You might want to check out a few of those places. Generally, you'd find a healthier plant and you might find a deal if they are trying to get rid of them.

Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)

I didn't make it to WM yesterday (it's about 45 min. from here) so I'm shooting for tomorrow morning....depends on how I think traffic will be for the holiday weekend since I live in a resort area. I'll go ahead and pick one up and if you don't want it, I can always use it.

Anyone else?


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Thank you,

And yes I'll take it. I don't want to sound picky or anything, but if You check this in the morning before leaving, could you see if they have some niobe or jackmanii. I am not to to familiar with clematis but from the pictures and write ups I read they are dazzling beauts.

Thank you again,
Dmail when you get them I or 2 don't over spend your budget. :)


Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)


Still didn't go yet (holiday traffic), but I'll get there so I'll see what they have. Don't remember seeing either of those colors, but it seems you like the darkest colors so I'll see what I can do. I''ll dmail you when I've gone.


Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)

Well, Calvin, it's sad news. I went to WM on Saturday and there was nothing except those boed up clematis which are crummy. I'm sorry I couldn't help, but I did try.
I'll keep my eyes open.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Thank you so much for the thoughts and concern, Barbara.

I greatly appreciate it,


Cincinnati, OH

How do you take cuttings? I picked a clematis up 3 years ago in SAD shape at Home Depot. It limped along for a couple of years, got cut down early (like June) last year, and this year it is about to bloom. Growing like a weed. It has about 6 blooms. I don't know what kind, or color, but it is close to blooming. I would be happy to share the wealth. rolled over my camera cable, so as soon as I get a replacement, I will post a pic.


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Let me know and I will take part in your generosity, Kelly......

I under stand it , that to take a cutting you find new growth and cut about 1/2" or so below a new node. I have heard that you should pull off the bottom leaves leaveing about 1" of stem (but those with more expertise should pipe in and set me straight), them dip the cut end in rooting hormone and place in moist soil. Keep soil moist not soaked.

This is my understanding. Please, those who have more expertise set me straight or confirm my understanding..............


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