Rose of Sharon seeds

Louisville, KY

Hello All;

I'm looking for someone who would be willing to send me as many Rose of Sharon seeds they can get there hands on.....all 3 colors. I am trying to create a border with them and have had little luck with the seeds I had. I cannot find any around my house and am unsble to get anymore. If you have them and are willing, please contact me at Please and thank you

Monroe, NY(Zone 6b)

Chip, I have a rose of sharon and I'll look tomorrow if there are any seeds left on the tree. I do have a bunch of seedlings, if you want. I don't know how well they'll take to being uprooted though.

Bloomingdale, NJ(Zone 6a)

I have a very prolific purple rose of sharon that has self seeded itself. I am being overrun with babies that will eventually need to be weeded out. I also have the seed I collected from the same plant last year. You are more than welcome to the seedlings and/or the seeds. I'll have to check because I also have a pink plant (not as prolific but really pretty double pink blossoms) that I may have some seed from as well (I actually had to cut that one back last year before it seeded because the flowers were so heavy the top of the bush blew over in a storm and had to be trimmed back!

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I'll check too - let me know if you still need. They are like a weed in my yard too.

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