Help! What to do with a bolting shallot

Sammamish, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm mostly a flower gardener, but as a kindness to my boys who only care for plants they can eat, I planted a few Dutch Yellow shallot bulbs in rich raised beds on October 30th 2005 and thought little more of it. It just occured to me to find out when and how to harvest, especially as a few of them are sending up flower stalks. I just googled the topic and found that flowering was not a good thing for a shallot you want to eat. The green growth is very lush and healthy and I read that you should harvest when it whithers. So, do I bring them up early or let them flower and multiply or what?


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Heck, I wish I could remember what my shallots did. I always planted in fall and harvested in summer when the greens wilted but honestly I don't remember any flowering. (zone 6b)

Spencer, TN

pick the flower heads and eat em, My brother raises garlic and when it sends up seed stalks he picks them and stirfries them with veggies, tasty dish.

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