Gulf Fritillaries I thought it'd be easy.

Longboat Key, FL

I got convinced that to keep them coming, I'd have to feed them.

So, I planted two Passifloras, thinking that would be it. They liked this one so much that they de-leaved it, completely.

But, there were still two cats, looking for green.

Thumbnail by flyboyFL
Longboat Key, FL

So, I looked to the left passiflora. Still green. I picked up the two cats, and transferred them over to it.

Thumbnail by flyboyFL
Longboat Key, FL

But, now, the top is gone, and they have moved to the leaves on the ground. But it is quickly getting eaten up.

What'll I do? What'll I do?

konkreteblond~: Where are you when I need you?

: )

Thumbnail by flyboyFL
NE Medina Co., TX(Zone 8a)

Buy another two passifloras? If you lived near me, I'd take them. I have tons of passies!

New Port Richey, FL(Zone 9b)

Hey fly,
welcome to the ever expanding big $ spending on our babies club!!!!

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Plant more passifloras! They're picky though and don't eat all varieties. Incense, Incarnata, caeurlea and foetida are good ones to plant. They also liked my Lady Margaret and it grows really fast.
Foetida hirsutissima is easy to grow from seed and grows fast. If you need seeds, I have some fresh ones. The pods just turned red.
The corky bark passion vine is a favorite for some species.

Longboat Key, FL

I had to leave them behind, this week.

I am up North (not so far North -- NJ) and I just hope that the passifloras I left behind will keep pace with the voracious appetites.

It is a miracle -- how the lady GF's find this plant.

Be well

: )

Viera, FL(Zone 9b)

It's so nice finding this forum, on another one they're killing their babies, throughing them to the ants ugh.. and feeding them to the fish.
you guys are great!! No one is allowed to harm a single 'cat' at my place.

Longboat Key, FL


The rewards are so bountiful.

Be well

: )

Perris, CA(Zone 9a)


Plant more passies if you can. My limit of two has been reached already. I have a neighbor who is taking over my Lavender Lady Passion Vine. I told him that I would go to his backyard to prune anything that grows over the fence as I have a trellis that goes about nine feet altogether. However, he never told me and as a result he has some beautiful flowers on his side of the fence. The plant on my side of the fence still looks a little barren from GFs last winter.

Oddly enough, he is using the flowers as a selling point as he has his house listed. I guess I will wait until he moves and just prune them. I ask him if he can let me prune them away from his side and he tells me that he thinks it is beautiful and he wants to keep it. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know.

I have also planted a passie (purple haze) that is slowly growing. It is not in as good sunlight as the other one but I was hoping to see more GFs this winter if they don't have another brood this year.

Thanks for listening to an old man's babble...



Longboat Key, FL



But skip that "old man" stuff.

I flew combat in B-17G's on D-Day and later.

Be well

: )

Perris, CA(Zone 9a)

Sorry about the old man stuff. I am rather proud of being a relatively new senior citizen. I am signed up for my first of our free classes for seniors in photography at our local community college. Last night, I bought my wife's shopping using my senior citizen discount. Tonight we are going to buy my grandsons some clothes using a senior citizen. So far it has been a blast.

I admire you for serving during D-Day. Today is my dad's 77th birthday and he was in the service just after the War. He was a radio operator in the Pacific. I served for two years during the war in Vietnam.

Take care,


Longboat Key, FL


Enjoy the perks that come with maturity.

Also check on the "Early Bird" dinners.

It comes with the territory.

: )

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

If you look over on the Florida forum I posted a few plants you might like,
passionflowers, morning glories and milkweed among others.


( who tries to keep cat's happy as long as they do not do the tons o cats per plant routine )

Longboat Key, FL



I'll try


Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Brad, I have no cats!! My vine is growing strong, although it's moved from it's original spot, but all I have are ants! I just saw my first Gulf Frit recently tho so maybe I will soon. If not I'm going to have to go get cats from a friend's mother's vine!

Do you have ants all over yours? I've been told they are necessary for the blooms but not so sure that's true. ?

"I flew combat in B-17G's on D-Day and later"... That is too cool Brad! Do you have a pic of you then?

Longboat Key, FL

No -- no ants, that I remember. But the GF's were all around. I left them on May 15th, in order to enjoy the NJ weather --- yuk

This is the only photo I have. There are five of us in the photo. We had flown over from the USA, and were just into a few of our missions.

One got pregnant on the return to the USA, and soon died. One was my assistant radio operator, who was later transferred to another crew (because we were running out of radio operators) and blown out of the air on our mission to Caen -- where we opened the way through the hedgerows, for the British. (We had previously done the same for our troops at St. Lo.) One decided to quit one morning, after briefing, and we never saw him again. One, our tail gunner, is (or was) in an old age home.

That leaves me. Which one am I?

Thumbnail by flyboyFL
Longboat Key, FL

Mea culpa:

There is a sixth -- whom I had forgotten about. He was a stray. left behind by a previous owner. He, too was left behind -- and I know not what was his fate.

P.S. Our base was loaded with stray dogs. The food was good, and there was no shortage of lonesome guys who had left dogs behind in the USA. Ours was named "Princess" and we smuggled her over. We bought her in Alexandria, LA. We forced landed at an RAF airbase in Northern Ireland on our crossing. An officer there gave us a paper, saying that he had given us the dog. (The British were very concerned about rabies, and required thirty days quaranteen of any dogs entering.)

Long time ago.

: )

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Great pic and stories! And I have NO idea which one is you tho, except you are not one of the two with paws. If you haven't already, I hope that you write down your stories and memories.

That reminds me that I have got to sit down with my dad and have him tell me some of our family stories again. We were playing cards at Christmas and he started telling us some and my sister and I said "why haven't you ever told us that before?". It's a shame that our interest in our history usually doesn't come until we are older. I wish now that I could go back and sit and listen to more of my grandparents stories.

Isn't the internet just great?!

Stanley, NC

Thanks for the pic flyboy.

Do you raise cats as a hobby?


Longboat Key, FL


In my search for activities on cold, rainy, days -- I persisted in putting together my combat diary, accompanied by the official USAAF records for each of my missions.

It's a real glossy thing. I put two copies together, since I have two sets of grandchildren. No takers, yet. I suggested putting together a contest, "Why I Want my Grandfather's War Diary," together with suitable prizes for the two winners -- but maybe the prizes weren't significant enough. Still no takers.

I fear that the anti-war sentiment to which they were exposed during their educations was too much. The youngest, now a junior at Yale, is probably the least inclined.

I may be resigned to sponsoring a new contest: "Why I Want to Burn my Grandfather's War Diary".

Be well

Longboat Key, FL


Nope. Nothing that I have to feed, except with a hose.

First went the cat, then the dog, and finally the turtles. I'm free !!!!

: )

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh no, that's just awful! I'm so sorry that your grandchildren are not impressed with your history and achievements! No matter what anyone's view of war is they should be proud of your service and bravery! Shame on them!

I know that wasn't an easy task since I can't even keep a little garden diary! Please just keep them set aside and hopefully one day they will realize how important these really are to them!

I'm very disappointed in the disrespect that our Veteran's receive. My neighbor just recently returned from 3 mos. in Iraq and another neighbor's son enlisted and may soon go. My flag is flying right now and I'll think of you too when I see it. I like to leave it out all the time but our sun and wind shorten it's life so I put it out the weekend of Memorial Day and have left it up since this coming Wed. is Flag Day.

My son's room is decorated in camo and Army tanks and helicopters and airplanes etc. While I have great respect, when he says "I'm going to be an Army man" I say "no you aren't!" lol

Longboat Key, FL


Jusr remembered.

Konkreteblond does.

She explained how, but when she described the little piles of detritus they excrete. yeccchhhh. That dissuaded me.

Longboat Key, FL


Atta girl. My flag will be flying, too.

I have hope with my grandchildren. The second-oldest one seems to be changing. She is an attorney in NYC -- and the deductions shown on her paycheck seem to be swaying her.

Be well

Longboat Key, FL

Soup's on.

GF's, where are you?

: )

Thumbnail by flyboyFL
Manning, SC(Zone 8a)

Wow Flyboy, these are your passies right now? Mine are only about 8 inches tall here! This is my second year growing them for the GF's. I loved it last year, having clouds of them all the time, and then watching the cats growing as they devoured the leaves. And now this year the passies are popping up all over the place, drives my husband nuts! I just pull up the ones that pop up in inappropriate spots and hope my husband doesn't notice the rest growing up along the deck! Can't wait to have the GF's and VF's back!

Longboat Key, FL


This one is pretty old, already. Its mate died, but it now crosses the porch to re-establish both sides.

It becomes alive with cats as soon as the weather heats up.

Be well

: )

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