radish question

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

every year I plant radishes - every year they come up - get great healthy greens and after a while they bolt but never have produced a radish - sure it has a root that looks kinda like a radish but it is small an insignificant compared to the tops.

I have tried several varieties - always the same result

Can anyone give me a clue - what I am doing wrong.

Had my soil tested and it was good. I grow other vegetables well including spinach, chard and the usual summer culprits

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Two possibilities:
1. Planted to thick, they need to spaced at least an inch for the small spring radishes.
2. Planted too late. They will bolt before forming usable roots in hot weather.

I would not think you have a fertility problem if your other vegetables do well. Radishes are not demanding. However it is possible since you only mentioned leaf crops, that your nitrogen, potash levels are out of balance. Nitrogen grows lush foliage, potash is needed for root crops.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I have had this problem for the past few years, as well, and while there are times they've been too close together, I've noticed it happens as well when they are well spaced. Darned annoying, too! The white varieties don't seem to bolt as badly as the red.

Don't think it's the weather here, either, as this is the ideal time. Perhaps a bit of both??? Grrr! On the upside, the ones that make it are fabulous, so I'm happy with 50%...though I'd be happier with more ~:-)

FD - do you think there might be a problem because I use straight MG potting soil?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Sequee, I don't know. I am strictly a dirt farmer. Don't use the the fancy soiless mixes except for starting plants. I f you have access, toss a handful of wood ashes in the mix next time you plant radishes. Since obviously you are planting in containers plant one with and one without wood ashes. That way you will have a control.

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

well it hasn't been hot at all.......rather cool even. Could have planted too many but only planted a few since I don't get any might as well not tie up a lot of space in my small garden.
The only coping tool I have is having a recipe for radish tops.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Perhaps you share it...!!!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Bolting of such vegetables here is caused by too early planting. I have had trouble with beetroot and silver beet (Swiss chard), I have grown radishes years ago but with all of them it is the same problem. If sown1 week into June they don't normally bolt.

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

I planted them in march with the peas - if I waited til June 1 then they would surely bolt because it is usually in the 80's by then. I have not had trouble with chard or beets
I will post radish top recipe - as soon as I get home

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Great! I've been eating my radishes for the past few days...they are wonderful! I've had Cherry Belle, Petite de Juenuer (sp), and a wonderfully mild white. Looks to be alot more coming up in the few days as well! Too bad so many bolted...

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Gee can I move? We rarely get in the 80's any time, but on the other hand we don't get it quite as cold, just cold most of the time!

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