Starting a new quilt

Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

My niece wants me to make her small quilt for graduation. She understands that I only make hand made quilts and it takes me months (sometimes years) to make a quilt, so she is cool with it. I have been wanting to make a quilt using batiks in a dresden pattern for along time. I had seen a photo of a stained glass window (I think it was in the Sistine Chapel) years ago that reminded me of the Dresden pattern...only it was done with a sort of rose colored backround and red in the middle. Well, I'm finally going to get to make the stained glass quilt. It is a good thing I waited...back when I first concieved the quilt, batiks cost $12 a yard and were all hand dyed. Now you can get machine dyed batiks that cost $3-$4 per yard at Here are the fabrics I'll be using. The background will be muslin and I will put a strip to match the border between each muslin square. The 'lead' for the stained galss will be hand embroidered feather stitches.

Thumbnail by BamaBelle
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