I think I have gremlins or something. :(

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, as payback, I had to deal with a goofball at Verizon, my computer froze up on me and locked me out, screwed up the macro on my invoices and the kids are being brats. LOL I have several more boxes to send but I don't think I am brave enough to send on Wednesday. I guess I know what I'll be doing on Friday. :)

Newburyport, MA

Bamabelle, try a Powerline... it runs via your electric lines. We had the same trouble with our Wi-Fi but for different reasons and that worked like a charm.

Hi all... I'm still enjoying reading, although now from the comfort of the local hotel (hospital). Ran into some problems that ahd to be dealt with before chemo on Tuesday. Say a prayer and have a great weekend of gardening. I'llo be home on Tuesday PM after the next dose of poison.


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I will certainly be thinking of you. I hope all goes well and that you are back in the garden in a hurry.

Newburyport, MA

Thanks, and I hope I am back there too. Doesn't take long for the weeds to get totally out of control. Then agian, if ya'll want to come and help - jUST KIDDING!!

If hubby remembers to bring my camera card, I'll email the latest pictures... it's finally all coming together.


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Shoot! I was packing my bags to come weed when I realized you live in Maine and not St. Maarten. hahahahaha Okay, I'll send very ugly thoughts to your weeds and very good healthy thoughts to your body. :)

Okay, as far as plants to get in the mail tomorrow-I plant to haul hiney and get out as many boxes as I can. On the slate for the morning, I have Janet OS, tigerlily, busybee, 2 ebay orders and....??

I know I still have to get a surprise box out to Kathyvm and gardenwife. If the weather is decent over the weekend, I plan to start tearing through the hem beds.

Am I not remembering anyone?? Those are all the names I have on my list but I am still going through email and DG mail from the week my computer croaked. I do accept friendly nudges. :)

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I'm NOT on your list... but after I move I'd LOVE another pulmonaria. The one you sent me 2-3 years ago is thriving in my aunt's lake house yard where I lived almost a year. (Acyually I lived in the house, LOL.)

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I'll certainly will mine to get spready! LOL That is one of those plants I always mean to buy more of then don't. I oughta sneak back down the road and see if they are marking them down yet. LOL I only have the one kind.....right now...hehehehe

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Somebody, somewhere really has it in for me! Hubby woke me up last night getting back into bed. At 3:30 our electric went out. It was pitch black for as far as the eye could see. The stars were beautiful though! At 8:30 this morning, we still had nothing. I decided to go ahead and pack boxes and hope I'd be able to get online for addys and labels. Someone, somewhere heard me. The electricity came on right around 9am before I could even get out the door! And I didn't even get coffee until 9:30! LOL

So boxes are on the way to Janet OS, tigerlily, busybee and two Ebay shoppers. hahahahaha I *AM* the man. ROTFLOL (but you should have seen the kids and my hubby running around with glue, labels, tape, name tags and labels). Enjoy!

tigerlily, look for some funny notes on your plant tags.

Janet, you have a card with a note and a full box. :)

Thank you all for patience. I finally get the weather AND the appliances to cooperate, then lose electricity. All's well that ends well. What a wonderful world!!

Newburyport, MA

Yikes, I don't even want to suggest it, but do you thihnk that maybe the gremlins are back?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

HI!! How are you doing??

I think all is well here. It was just a temporary inconvenience! LOL

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

I have spent a long time reading this thread and it has been worth every minute. Some of you have been through so much that it makes all the surgeries and problems I have had this last few months seem like nothing! Thank you for sharing your stories. It keeps us focused on what is important.

I can't bend to garden anymore, so found some long-handled tools to use. It takes some getting used to, but you do what you have to when you need to. I bought a Tractor Scoot for gardening, but it's use is limited.

I have a computer geek son-in-law (actually both my sons-in-law are computer geeks) that built me a Dell look-alike and keeps it maintained for me. I did a LOT of research on what printer and scanner to buy and went with HP. I have had them for several years and have never had a minutes problem with either of them unless I did something stupid like loading the paper wrong or getting the ink cartridge holder stuck. The advice I was given was not to buy the combo machines, because if one part goes bad you are stuck with all the other parts that can't work either. But that was several years ago, and I'm sure they have improved them since then. When my printer just dies from overuse, I'll get another HP. My son-in-law just laughed and said that time may not be too far away. I use it a LOT. Actually, it's fine, he was just being a smarty-pants computer geek.

I really hope that things have improved for each of you. I laughed and cried and then laughed again. I heard that poem about not having shoes vs. not having feet when I was a teenager about 100 years ago, and I have never forgotten it.

Rose, are you back home now? Doing better? Is it OK if I pray for you on a regular basis?


Headland, AL(Zone 8a)


I have five cats...so they go through a LOT of cat litter. We have been buying it in the big buckets. Thsoe buckets are wonderful! I use them as a seat when I am workign int he garden...I use them to carry cow manure in, I use them to store hand tools in, I poke holes int he bottoms and use them to pot up large plants.....and, of course, I use them to hold up my engineered fertilizer/sprinkler system I created. You keep gardneing...it is better for you than a lot of pills the docs provide (although not necessarily cheaper...LOL!) My hubby used to have anxiety attacks and hasn't had one since I started gardening...and by extension, he also started gardening because he can't stand for me to be outside alone.

Hey, I'm wondering if we ought to ask Dave to start a forum called Handicapped Parking. A place for gardeners with physical or mental challenges, or care givers of people with problems, to share products or tricks that we have found to help us with our gardening. And maybe also discuss plants with medicinal benefits. What do you guys think? Should we ask?

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

You can always ask :) It seems like there are several people who would fit this topic. Does Dave send a mass dmail when new forums are initiated?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

There already is or was a forum along those lines. I'll have to look.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Ah ha! I've not lost it! http://davesgarden.com/forums/f/disabled/all/

Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 8b)

I just found this thread!!! LOL!!!
I want to thank you again for sending me such a great box of plants!!
You helped me replace a LOT of things I lost in the hurricane.
It was literally a mini garden in a box.
It was so nice of you to do this for me.
I will never forget it.
You are a true gardening friend!!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

No more "Thank you" from you! :) I cannot imagine having storms like you guys had, rip through and destroy everything. You enjoy those plants and let me know if you need more!!

Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 8b)

Ok...ok...I'll be good and stop now.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I am thrilled to see you happy. :)

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

I didn't know about that other forum. I'm so glad to know it's there. We need to help each other as much as we can, since gardening just gets harder and harder after your health starts to go.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I don't really have any issues yet that slow me down unless you count the six kids. LOL I do know my day is coming. I've read that forum quite often in the past. It amazes me what some people have to go through to do what I take for granted.

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

We always think our problem is so bad and then we read about others. My heart just ached for what I've seen on this thread. But people just keep trying and that's a real inspiration.

Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

Cool benas! Thanks for the link. I had seen it listed, but hadn't realized it was for handicapped gardeners (or as the politically correct say, "Handi-capable").

I really enjoy gardening and find it very relaxing...but there are times when it is overwhleming. Like today when I didn't even feel like getting out of bed...but my brugs were wilting and I knew if I didn't get out there and water, I'd lose all my plants. This drought is killing me!

Oh well....I'm sure in a month or so when the ropics really start heating up, I'll be wishing it was dry again!

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

BB- I was just discussing my "Pity Party" day today on another thread. Sometimes you just get so frustrated and feel so overwhelmed with it all. But then you go back again the next day and there are birds singing and butterflies, not to mention the beauty of the plants themselves. How can we give it all up? We just have a good cry, get over it, and move on. If we just stop, we will atrophy and that's not a pretty picture.

Hope you have a peaceful rest.


Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Dianne! I did get a lot of rest yesterday and feel a lot better today....and guess what! It is clouding up and thundering so I maight actually get to skip a day of watering! Yippeee!!!!!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I had to come back and update for all ye doubters. LOL After six months, we FINALLY got the rebate from HP! I had to snail mail them the model and serial number twice then finally have hubby fax them the info again. There was ALWAYS a 'problem with your submission'. I talked to several people on the phone too. I really wonder if they just try to wear you out so they don't have to pay out. LOL Last time I called I got a friendly helpful lady who noticed the numbers they needed where there the whole time on one section but not another. She copied and pasted them and boom, "your refund has been issued". Be persistent you guys!!

Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

Hmmm...Sounds like Social Security Disability...they deny you and deny you for a year. If you can possibly work you will, because who can go a year without working????? Just when you are scheduled to go before a judge for your last appeal, boom...suddenly you are approved!

Glad you are finally getting your rebate. I got cheated out of a Linksys rebate because they didn't ask for the UPC code till three months after I sent in the rebate...and had long since thrown out the box, of course!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Yeah, it sure took long enough. I didn't post until I got the check! LOL The UPC thing is sort of what they did to me. They preferred the codes off the box but of course did not ask for them until months later when they had been through the burn pile. Geesh!

I'm sorry those of you that need the medical coverage have to go through such hoops and time to get it.

Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

It's crazy. But I guess they have to weed out the slackers and fakers. You would think that three or more doctors verifying it would be adequate, but I guess that there are unscrupulous docs who will falsify that kind of stuff for a price. It isn't as if anyone is going to get rich off of SSDIB by any shape of the imagination....but I reckon there are some people who will do anything to get out of working.

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