Please sign in if you are going to Chi Bo this weekend.

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

I need to know how many are going to be attending the big Chi Bo meet this weekend. Could you please post to this thread to let me know? Thanks!


I know you are coming... which reminds me, let me know what time you think you will be here so I can have something for you to eat. Pixiedish is definitely flying in. Garden4Birds may or may not drive with us on Saturday morning because she doesn't want to get up too early and deprive herself of beauty sleep- heaven forbid but she is driving there on her own and meeting us. Dodecatheon is definitely going and I know PGZ5 is showing up with a friend but she won't be able to meet us until around noon. sstateham is going to be there for sure and Kelly and maybe her mom or a girlfriend are coming. So, there's 10-11 to start out your count out the gate. Are you planning on bringing party favors? If so, can they please be edible? Just kidding. I always carry a stash on me. Mustn't ever let the tummy go grumbly.

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

They're not edible! Sorry! LOL

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I'll be there,,,,, but by myself,,,Mom and Gran just don't do gardens,,,,they'll be shopping,,,LOL So, if anyone wants to carpool let me know.


Thornton, IL

Sure kelly, pick me up the night before, we can crash in the parking lot. Hee hee.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


LOL,,,I plan on being in the parking lo nice and early,,,don't want to be walking 2 miles to get to the plants and 2 miles back to the car to put them in there and then 2 miles back to the gardens and then 2 miles back to the car,,,roflol,,,,can ya tell I'm not into exercise very much?????

I think Thornton is a tad out of the way for me,,,,,,,,, from Wheeling,,,I'll be 9 miles from ChiBo,,,LOL

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I'm going. Will be early for the sale regardless of the Dan Ryan construction LOL.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Good,,,,we can be in the parking lot together and chat a bit. I think Eq is going to be there early also. Look for a gold colored Buick Century with WI plates,,,I am sure I will be the only one with WI plates,,,LOL


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)


Sounds good. I've got a gold Saturn with Sid's Greenhouse plastic bags all over the back seat. LOL. It will be nice to meet everyone.


Beachwood, OH

Hi Kylee
My cousin and I are coming and will see you all at the front of the building I guess (?)

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Yes I will be there and will be driving myself..I will NOT be getting up early because I have a long day ahead of me saturday and NO Lib not because of beauty sleep..
I will be ,meeting you all and then driving 2 1/2 hours to my SIL for a Girls Night Out..
Looking forward to meeting all of you.

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

I will deffinitely be there - I drive a black buick but it's so generic it just blends in. If I said look for a middle aged lady in a black buick at a garden dealy, how many would there be? I know I can recognize Lauren and Dodecatheon, and Kylee will be with them, so look for a bunch of middle aged ladies in a crowd at the gate, one with a black buick. I think we better stick to hats. LOL

Jennifer - what part of Chicago are you in?

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Not sure, yet. I want to get there for the sale, but don't know if it'll be Friday or Sat. Meeting up on Sat, just depends on how my mom is doing. I feel like I've been living at the hospital lately! I know I could use some time away, but then I feel guilty!!

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Sure hope mom's doing well and you can make it Sat.,,,,,It's easy to say don't feel guilty,,,she would want you to get out and have some fun,,,,but I know I'd feel the same way,,,so, play it by ear and if she's doing well we hope to see you.

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Could someone please post the meeting times and places in this thread, too? My life is kinda out of control at the moment, what with the wedding this summer, and too many other things going on, I can't keep track of things like I'd like! Thank goodness I'm with Lauren. I'm just going to be hanging onto her shirttails... LOL

OK fellow gardeners, it's rock and roll time. I am so excited! We all know where we're going and here's the deal-
Everyone meet at the front doors to the main building at 8:45 am!

Plant sale folk can say hi at the front doors and go their merry way or meet back up in the gardens.

Just in case we get separated from stragglers or plant sale goers, let's all meet in the main cafeteria at 12:30.

FYI, the main building has the restaurant in it and the gift shop so you can just ask at the front gate how to get to the gift shop and that's all there is to it!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi sstateham (sorry if I missed your name somewhere):

I'm in the southwest part of Chicago. I'll be driving up the side streets until the Eisenhower and then go from there. It will probably take me 2 hours to go 40 miles. If there weren't plants involved I wouldn't even attempt this drive on a Saturday. LOL.

I'll join the rest of the middle agers at the gate.


Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad you are going to make it.

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

It is with great sadness that I tell you that I am not going to be there. :-( I have two bulging discs in my neck that they want to do surgery on and I don't want to. I have been putting that off for over two years now, but every now and then, they REALLY bother me by making my neck and shoulder hurt a LOT and my arm gets tingly and my hand gets cold. This started last night and is still going on today. Past experience tells me that not only would driving a car for four hours not be good, but I would NOT be good company at all. I can barely turn my head to the right.

You don't know HOW much I was looking forward to this.


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Oh Kylee,

ooo, that makes me sad,,,,,first PG and now you,,,,,,I am So sorry to hear about your neck. Figures that it would flare up when you Really wanted to do something,,,,,, We'll Really miss you. Hope it feels better soon.

Well, try to look at the bright side,,,,you won't go home with any more plants for DH to get in a quandry about,,,LOL


Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks, Kelly. I'm very depressed...for two reasons:

1. The neck flare-up itself.
2. Missing the chance to get to meet you guys.

I would have been leaving right about now.............. :-(

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Kylee! Rest up that neck and let it have time off so you can come and stay with me for the Upper Midwest RoundUp on June 10th!!! We could drive together if that weekend is free for you. That RU is always an option if you don't have any conflicts in your schedule but unfortunately anything to do with the C-spine is nothing but trouble. You poor thing. Gotta run ladies! Of all the days in the world they are delivering the materials for my new greenhouse right now. They are an entire week early. The semi is being unloaded as I type and naturally other irons got tossed on the fire today to really turn up the heat for me. Great, another last minute monkey wrench in my delusions of having a home that was some semblance of picked up. I am afraid there will in fact be little green army men every where for people to trip over. Oh well! Sheets and toilets are clean!

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Aaaargh! We've got a family member's high school graduation party then. But thanks for the invite! I will make it up there sometime. I'm still just bummed about this weekend. I have looked forward to this for MONTHS. I WILL be there in spirit with you all...

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Bummer Kylee! I didn't see this thread until this morning. (I forgot to click watch). I had two nice little toad lilies potted up for you, too.

Lauren - I'm in a similar boat. I have a bunch of kids and their parents coming this afternoon to take prom pictures out back, so I spent most of yesterday afternoon mowing (which I hate) and priming the yard to that it looks nice. At 4:15 yesterday afternoon, the load of mulch that I ordered a month ago arrived - dumped in the driveway. My family will be here in a week and a half for graduation.

LOL arachide - it will probably take me less time to get there from Rockford.

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Waaaaaaaaa! Hubby is watching something on TV that is taking place in Chicago and I heard, "It's a wonderful spring day here in the Windy City." I'm glad the weather is nice, I just wish I were there to enjoy it with the rest of the gang.

It's a good thing I stayed home, though. Today is NOT a good day for me. Neck still hurting, and the fibromyalgia is doing its thing big time. Every little thing I do today is a huge effort. Just walking. I'm trying to do little things.

Some BIG NEWS here though...our kitty had KITTENS! Probably yesterday or last night. We just found them about an hour ago. She had them in the attic of the pool/cat house. She had torn the insulation to shreds trying to make a suitable soft place to have them and they were lying in the pink fiberglass. It was hotter than Hades up there, too, so we had to move them. I put them in a box with a towel, where Mama had been lying previously. We moved that down to the floor. It's a private spot on that side of the building, so I think she'll leave them there. Just checked on her and she was lying in the box, nursing them all. There are three gray ones and one gray and white.

Thumbnail by kbaumle
Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

We missed you today! I had to leave early, so I only got to spend a little time in the gardens. I was great to meet everyone, though, and I got some nice plants at the plant sale.

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh tell me what you got, Stacy! I can live vicariously through all your reports. I want details!!!!

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

LOL- I got two pulmonarias Northern Lights and Little Star, veronica Waterperry Blue to replace a gonner, a Tricyrtis Tojen (which I've been wanted for eons), a dwarf iris, and I forget what else - I'll have to go out to the shed to check the tags I saved. The best part was meeting everyone.

I wish I could have stayed longer, but it Alisha had prom. I needed to do her hair, and then her and about 50 other young-un's and their parents were coming to do pictures at 2:30. Yikes!

Just a quick photo because Pixie and I are getting ready to go to the Morton Arboretum with Kelly-

Thumbnail by Equilibrium

Well, just one more-

Thumbnail by Equilibrium
Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh I remember that statue! Isn't it pretty much when you first go in?

Where are the pictures of people? :-)

I'm feeling a bit better today, but still not normal (whatever that is). Yesterday I felt like I was having an out of body experience. You know how that is? I hate that. And every movement I make hurts somewhere. Not bad, just enough to be uncomfortable and want to not move.

I'm hoping to get a few seeds sown today. We'll see...

Stacy, you DID get some nice things! The Tricyrtis. Oooo. And the Waterperry Blue. I've seen that here and have almost bought it many times. I have a Veronica that is similar, but can't remember the name. It's a deeper blue without the veining that Waterperry has.

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

I put in some Waterperry last year when I re-did the slope on the west stone wall. I got a little overzealous with painting round-up on garlic mustard and killed one of them.

Sorry Lauren, but I couldn't resist. A "people picture". Lauren was trying to get a picture of the cones on this tree.

Thumbnail by sstateham
Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Pixy and GardenGeek ooohing and aaahing

Thumbnail by sstateham
Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Ohhhh......looks like fun! I'm so glad you guys were able to get together. Gosh darn it, I should have been there. :-( I'll stop boo-hooing now, but really......

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Looks like you can't turn your back on Stacey or she'll take a picture. I need to get my butt in shape.

I think there's an even more unflattering shot of my butt coming. Loved that fanny pack hanging in front of me! Makes me look pregnant. Like I said, I think there is a real doozie coming BUT... I got up on that 4' wall and I got the photos of the pine cones!

Today we were at Morton Arboretum all day. Just got home. Morton Arb was great. I think I even liked it better than ChiBo.

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Start flexing, Al!

Morton Arboretum is great. It's been a while since I've been, but a great place to spend the day,

I spread dug out an extention on the sun bed and spread mulch all day yesterday. Speaking of butts, mine hurts and will be dragging behind me this morning.

Thumbnail by sstateham
Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Wow, Stacy, that's a LOT of mulch! I thought our pile was big!!

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Oh thanks for the pics. I wish that I could have been there. I was hoping that someone would let us know how the ChiBo get-together was. Can someone start a thread of ChiBo memories......with lots of pics and juicy details?


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