Divide or not to divide

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I was taking a little stroll a week ago at a local location (Antique Rose Emporium) and found some Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender' in 4 " pots. Purchased 3 plants and have given them a little care with water but nothing extra. All are blooming greatly. I want to add them to my shade garden I am twirling together this week. I like them so much and can't wait to see them in the ground bringing contrast to the hostas, ostirich ferns, and fern leafed bleeding hearts. However, I like them so much I want to have more of them.

Anyone, can you tell me when and how I can multiply them?. I don't want to spend anymore money than I have to. Can they be divided and if so....... When?


Viera, FL(Zone 9b)

propagate by cuttings and seed, not division. I love them also.

Hooks, TX


The link above is to this plant in the DG plant files. It has growing info and at the bottom of the page, comments from many DGers who grow it. They may be a source for obtaining more plants, seeds or cuttings now if you contact them.


Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

These will root easily. When they got leggy, I pruned them back and stuck them in soil. Any time a piece gets snapped off (cats or dogs) I tuck it in dirt. Not a problem.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks all,

I am going to try.................

wish me luck,


Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

You got it... Good Luck!

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