Isn't This a Lovely Spring We are Having in Coastal SC?

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

It occurred to me today that we are having a true Spring for the first time in a long time! The temperatures have been perfect. I have yet to turn on my air conditioner and even had to drag my electric blanket out of the closet a few times! My plants are loving it along with my pocketbook as far as the electric bill goes.

Since we had an unusually warm Winter, I vote we have an unusually cool summer! All in favor say AYE!!!


surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

I agree I agree.The temps are perfect!However.......

THE BIKERS ARE HERE.They have taken over my town.I am getting away this morning.Fleeing to the mountains as I do every May.Won't be back till after memorial day.


a resounding AYE!
i have been really enjoying this lovely, "true" spring. we've actually had a good amount of rainfall, too ... we had such a dry winter - i was worried about a repeat of last summer's drought. so far, so good!

Raleigh, NC

Yup, been loving it here! We've had so many great days to work in the yard and enjoy it. I can't remember such a nice spring in ages! And so far there's only been a couple of mosquitos, but I know they're a comin'. Just trying to get as much work done outside as I can before they and the heat drive me in. If it stayed like this year round I would be one happy camper! -Ais.

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