FAQ for Sticky

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok, this is the last post about the Sticky info, I hope! =^)

What would everyone like to see posted in the FAQs of the Sticky?

Please don't think I'm a Brome genius from way back; I'm nothing of the sort! I've recently discovered Bromes and fallen in love w/ them. I was also involved in a lengthy discussion about them on the AV forum, and we ended up having the thread moved here. After looking around in this forum a bit it seemed to be lacking some info...so I thought I'd put my hand up and volunteer to organize the info for a sticky.

I don't know all the info to post for a sticky, that's why I'm asking for it. I'm just offering to organize it, not supply it. I'm assuming that the other folks who love these plants just don't have the time to undertake this project...if I'm wrong and someone else wants to do this, be my guest! I'll hand the reins over at this second, no questions asked! =^)

Anyone can feel free to post their thoughts here or d-mail me, whichever they are more comfortable with. Let's get some good info together for some stickys in this forum so we can all grow better Bromes and help each other out!

Please also let me know if there are previous threads here that would make good info for a sticky that I wouldn't know about since I am new to this forum.

Thanks so much,

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