ID Compost Creeper

Greenville, TX

Hello everyone. New guy at Dave's. I went out to turn the 'ol pile today and nearly impaled this fellow with my rusty pitchfork. I'm hoping he's been munching on the pill bugs that are infesting my pile. Anyone know the name of this critter? I think I'll call him "Lucky I Didn't Get My Eye Poked Out". Or Lucky for short.

Thumbnail by snapEtom
West Warwick, RI(Zone 6b)

I don't know his ID but Luck is very cool! : )


Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

looks like a salamander,if so he is there because it is damp and cool,and he eats what flies.Mike

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

The only live things I know of in my pile is ants... Is it okay to put ant killer in a compost pile? Will it kill the good microbes, bacteria, etc., also?

Louisville, KY


I think the ants in your compost are good guys, unless they are fire ants! I've read that ants destroy many weed seeds. Don't think I'd put any ant killer stronger than Boric acid in the compost pile if you will be using the compost in a vegetable garden. Just my $.02.


Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

As long as they are not fire ants,they will work with the worms to build a balanced bed.I just reasearched this today at dept of entomology.Good to know.Mike

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Snap you have a good friendly salamander. They eat many things that are attracted to the compost and they like the warmth and moisture of the pile. I would spray paint him orange so he is more visible when you turn it next. (Not really)

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

Well, guys, they're fire ants! They bit me and I killed them grrrrrrr

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I have suffered this problem,with my worm beds.The best fire ant bait is amdro,I tried several ways before comming up with this idea,and it works best for me.Take an empty can,(soup),and make sure you keep the amdro dry,and leave it where the ants can get in,and good critters can't.It will take at least a week before the ants feed all their queens and drones,but it will get them all,and the the gold mine goes on unhurt.A little goes a long way. Mike

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Mike! Amdro it is. Can I get it at HD or Lowe's or WalMart?

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes,Yes,and Yes.Mike

Franklin Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Amdro is the BEST fire ant killer I've ever used. I'm from central FL, where fireants thrived in the sandy soil! They were everywhere but Amdro does the trick. What a neat idea about the soup can, Mike..... Clever, Clever, Clever! sr

Denver, CO

He probably eats fireants.

Google "Skink."

Madison, VA

He probably thinks he died and went to heaven: a warm bed with food in it! :-)

Today i found an earthworm and it scared " the living stink out of me" I thought it was a snake!!!! it ws sooo big!! maybe 4-5 " long and about the girth of my thumb!!!!!! and i m not thin folks LOL i have a chunky thumb :) I should have taken a pic of it, you woudln't believe it. Has anyone else encounterd worms this big??

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I would be afraid of a 1"in dia. worm ,and would pray it wasn't a night crawler , since I have to keep my dog on a leash , and never know what time nature may call her.I would say that worm had eyes.I have seen plenty of planera , whitch people confuse for a worm,and sometimes cut them up,thinking they have "killed" them,but only made that many more.

night crawler? planera? ok flunked biology LOL could you give some more info on the two, that would be great . is it like " feed me Semour" scary? or just big worm yik scary?

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

The planerian is a long slimy worm like creature that seeks places like a slug it is reconised by its "arrow"shaped head,and is a threat to the worm population.By trying to kill it the common mistake would be to cut it in two,or mash it.It readely regenerates itself into as many pieces,as it is cut.the best way to rid of it would be wrap it up in a dry paper towell,and it will dry out,thus killing it.I too wish you had a pic of the earth worm you saw,being your area is not that much different from mine.I have seen "grubs" that large,but not red wigglers,or night crawlers,the worms that are of this section ,not that it couldn't happen,I think a night crawler grows all its life,and of coarse the food supply. Mike

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

Mike, Veeeerrrrrryyyy innnnttteeerrressssstttttiinnnnngggggg....

i know i m going to dream of this thing tonight, " feed me Semour"
thanks for the info if i see it again i will capture it and look at it more closely. Do you think it woudl mind being scanned in my scanner LOL yikes NOT !


Franklin Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Ooohh.... scanning doesn't sound like a good idea. lol

squishy yuk. Havn't seen it lately maybe found a friend.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

cruising through the threads and stopped here.

I have to agree with the googling Skink. It is a skink and they do wonders on tiny pests of the garden. hope he/she is okay. You have a real friend who has entered your life/garden.

Enjoy the liitle fellow,


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