
Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

a strange golden orb appeared in the sky here today at about 4...I ran outside to find it warm and actually spring-like. Quickly, I released the chickens and goat from their barn prison of the last week and they ran squealing into the yard...I pulled a few of the gazillion weeds and wandered about the gardens marveling at buds and foilage...and then briefly I went inside for a pit stop, came back out and I see it was all an illusion...grey, dreary and wet ....what was I thinking???

Sigh. Off to corral the chickens


Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

LOL! You're lucky to have the illusion. Grey and gloomy with a little rain and nasty cold air. I like grey and gloomy. It has it's place. I hate the icy cold. It's wasting my May!

This message was edited May 14, 2006 5:35 PM

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I think you must have dozed off and dreamt that. I've seen something they call the ' sun' on TV once.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Actually, I think I saw the sun momentarily this afternoon also. It was after I finished mowing the front and was taking a break indoors and before I went back out to mow the back.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Ahh come up to Alaska the sun has been beautiful for the last 4 days since I got up here. Move to the north to see the sun. Our days are already 5am to 10pm. Though not real warm yet.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

That looks like one of those skyholes that sucks out the hot air - stay back!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

It took me a while Al. HO ho ho ho ho ha ha ha hee heee heeeeeeee. Good one Al you got me. One thing Al is anything that sucks out hot air spewes me back when they know what they have. LOL
My wife just told me that it was 80 F in Montana today. Its only 45 here. Bummer I missed the soil warming up. Now here come the perenials!

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Cold soil for supper again I guess.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Sun you say I am not sure I believe you.

I keep waiting for it to get nice enough out to try out my new No Mercy tool.

Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

well, it happened again today - a brief moment this afternoon when the clouds parted. I ran outside, frantically grabbed the weeder and some gloves, sunk the ho-mi into a nasty patch of creeping charlie and there was a !CLAP! of thunder.

Not wanting to be a human lightning rod I ran back inside and settled down to read gardening books....now I'm coveting more plants - it's a vicious plot, I tell you.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

ROTFL Jersey! That's exactly what happened to me a month ago. Boom! Right overhead. No warning. Me, the weed bucket and rake all ran for the garage!

I dreamed it was warm enough to remove my coat and mow. Then I weeded and mulched...z z z z z z. Boy I sure am tired.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Ah yes,,,I too saw an unfamiliar object on the sky this morning,,,,then it went away Again!

At least reading gardenng books is a great thing to do on a rainy day,,,although coveting more plants,,,,I sure know how that is. I covet A Lot!,,,LOL

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Hey don't tell anyone, but that orb has been here much of the day today.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Pauline,,,,here too,,,came back this afternoon,,,what's the name of it again?

I think I'n going to get out with the Messenger tonight and spray everything. Except I'll try and miss the weeds. Although, then again, maybe not,,,it's really windy here now,,,don't want to waste my mony spraying when it will be caught be the wind,,,grrrrrr, the way it's going, I'll Never get that Messenger on my plants

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

GardenGeek, I had the same trouble trying to spray for iris borers. The wind never quit around here. Lately it's been from the north. It's wasting my May!

Talk about Oz. Thunder from the north. Just got tomatoes, peppers, and various flowers planted. Came in to check for weather warnings and the wind really began to blow. It sheeted rain and it hailed. 4/10th rain in 20 minutes. Now the sun is out!

Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

you all saw the Orb today! Wow - every time I've even thought about doing some outside work today, it started raining. Billy, I figured out where Nichols Iowa is and I see that I'm on a direct NW weather trajectory from you...if it's windy and raining at Billy's it'll be windy and raining here in an hour, lol.

Got my messenger in the mail yesterday...sure want to try it too.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


I've been waiting to try it since the last co-op,,,,LOL If I have time, the weather isn't cooperative,,,,if I don't have time,,,the weathers nice,,,,sheesh,,,just went outside and it's a little too breezy for my liking,,,don't want to waste it. Maybe a bit later.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Cool Jerseyridgearts, Today it all came from the North, which is unusual. The wind was so strong that I actually got away from all the windows.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

We had that a few days ago and the outcome was an increase of temp of 30 F. My wife has reported several days in our area the Highs of 80 F. So look forward to some nice summer stuff.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

We barely hit 70*. Yesterday we hit 68*. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 75*. Nice weather and the gnats just hatched out!

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Hey you Iowa people, have you ever heard of a woman named Ada Cox? My MIL left me some fun farm paintings by a woman named Ada Cox and I would love to learn more about her. MIL bought them in Lincoln, Iowa in the late 50's or early 60's. They were probably painted in the 30's or 40's.

Sorry about the diversion, I just thought of it and had to ask.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Not Ada, but I went to school with a Cox. I'll ask her.

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