Should I cut back now?

Mc Call Creek, MS

My tall bearded iris seem to have finished blooming ( except for the rebloomers). I had a fairly serious case of that brown spot fungus on them this year, although I sprayed them with Daconil twice.

Should I go ahead and cut back the leaves and destroy them now to get as much of it out of the bed as soon as possible, or should I wait until they start to die back on their own?

Thanks for your answers. (The picture is Braggadoccio.) (Oh, so sorry! I didn't look first to review the picture. It is really out of focus.)


This message was edited May 13, 2006 9:08 PM

Thumbnail by TrixieM
Mc Call Creek, MS

Here is a better shot.

Thumbnail by TrixieM
Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

If you have a lot of leaf spot, you can go ahead and cut them back now to reduce the fungal spores in your garden. Burn or trash the cleanings. Do NOT compost.


Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Ooooooo! I love that one! Beautiful!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I hate leaf spot. It's such a pain. Daconil needs to be sprayed every 10 days to 2 weeks for four times in addition to cutting back foliage. I alternated Bayer systemic this year to see how it works and I think that it did really well.

I let it get ahead of me this year. Next year it's fungicide from the moment they peak their heads up.

Mc Call Creek, MS

Enough said! Thanks everyone!


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey girl!

I never knew you had so many beautiful irises! I just thought you were a vine girl, lol...
Those are GORGEOUS!

Mc Call Creek, MS

Well, t'anks, Miss T! We might have found something else to swap! I'd never been able to grow iris before because of where we lived. They would grow for me but they would not bloom. Now we have plenty of sun and enough quick chilling in winter to produce flowers! I'm elated!

And like you, I've never met a flower I didn't love......vine, iris, brug..............

This one is Syncopation.


Thumbnail by TrixieM
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Oooo,....I love your color choices!

By the way, I got your package today! Did you get mine?

Mc Call Creek, MS

Not yet. Probably tomorrow. Was yours in decent shape when you got it?

Hooks, TX

The brug cuttings and plant you sent me are growing
very well and the bloom on the Golden Lady is half
open - the tendrils are out of the end and the plant is
barely making roots. The cutting is just wrapped in wet
spaghnam moss and I moved it to a sunny place today
hoping that would help the bloom open. I gave one Maya
cutting I rooted to my daughter, I have one small one with
six leaves in a pot and the large plant is very full of leaves and no blooms yet.
I'm so excited that I finally have brug plants to take care
of and can hardly wait for that first smell of my first bloom!
Thanks so much for your very generous package.
The four pots of ginger have finally started showing new growth.
Your iris are beautiful. I love the bi-color ones.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, sweetie. It was in great shape...of course! :-)
Thank you

Don't know why things make it to Texas faster than they leave here, but it seems to be a consistent day longer for other people to receive my packages, than it is for me to receive theirs- even when mailed on the very same day!

Mc Call Creek, MS

Lou, I'm so glad you are enjoying them!

Taylor, who KNOWS what the post office does???Did I ever tell you
they feed me? LOL DH retired from the USPS after 40 years and STILL he wonders!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Did I ever tell you
they feed me?

Whaaa...?? I don't get it, lol...did I miss something? It must be getting late, lol...

They FEED you??

Arbuckle, CA(Zone 9a)

Both Raggadoccio and Syncopation are gorgeous. I like the bright colored ones too. I had Syncopation, but lost it.


Mc Call Creek, MS

Taylor! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!

No, you weren't tired. I must have been tired when I wrote that!

You were talking about how you didn't understand why the mail you send takes longer to arrive at its destination than the mail sent to you does.

What I should have said was that DH worked for the post office for 40 years and he still can't understand those things. What I meant by, "They feed me", was that his paycheck came from the Post Office, and now he is retired, so our retirement comes from them now ....well part of it does.

My first comments did sound like I might have been referring to "The Little House of Horrors", huh???? "FEED ME!!!!!!" "FEEEEED ME!!!! CHOMP!

Ya ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL...yeah, I was just a LITTLE confused there, lol...


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