Weight Loss Challange May13th - May 20th

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Here we are, the middle of May. Nearly half way thru a year. YIKES!!!

It sounds as tho we have some really good reports from Tammy and Sandra. WAY TO GO, GIRLS.

Kim, take care of those knees. You do NOT want to permenantly damage them by pushing them while they are still hurting. Pain is a signal from the body that says all is not well in that area. Have you used heat to increase circulation which will help with the healing process? I think it is too late for cold compresses to do much good unless there is still a lot of swelling. Heat or cold is a very individual issue when it comes to relieving pain. I haven't used the knee patches from ThermaCare, but the others are great. And good old aspirin and tylenol are hard to beat for reducing inflammation and easing discomfort. Ibuprophen has a bad reputation for irratating the stomach for many people including yours truly. Others think Naporson is wonderful. Again it is a very individual decision. I'm being a mother hen here once more.. One of my bad traits I have been told. I want to hover over and protect and take care of everyone. Also known as a fixer trait. Not trying to be bossy, I just care very much for each of you.

Tricia, how are your knees? I pray you are not pushing them but I also know how hard that is to avoid when you have small children or children of any age and yardening season is upon us. Been there, remember it well. But motherhood is a wonderful experience.

Marylyn, RedRose, others, where are you? I'll have to search other forums to find you and give you a gentle loving nudge to return to the group. LOL. All because I care and know others do also.

Anna, how is your shoulder? You haven't mentioned it so I am assuming the acupuncture helped a lot. The competition is next week? Best wishes.

Vic, your exercising on such a level is a real inspiration to me. I have almost nothing that I am that dedicated to doing. Congraulation on all your successes.

Howie, it was good to hear from you. You are also a fabulous example of what one can do if the determination and dedication are there.

I need to get something done before getting ready for lunch and then work. GOD bless and keep each and all of you.

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