I am such an idiot!! I thought it was a weed!!!

Chickamauga, GA(Zone 7a)

Ok so we had this flower bed last year that we just threw together! We just started gardening last Summer and did nothing to prep the ground just got rid of the grass dug holes and put what we liked in it.
By Winter everything had either been dug up and tossed or died back to the ground.....First hint of good weather and I get an idea to change it all and start all over. I wanted the bed to be raised and to truck in loads of Black gold dirt for it. So we did all of this...I have some plants in there that I have bought this year. We thought we had gotten rid of everything.....I did dig up and save a few things like a hardy hibiscus, my Russian sage...well up comes these green things in the middle of the flower bed that I KNOW I didnt plant....Keep in mind we have dumped probably a foot or so of dirt on top of the ground......So I keep ripping these weeds out...well not out but ripping them off as best I can.

Finally I get to thinking..that is not a weed but what is it??? Hubby says isnt that the blue flowers from last year???? Sure enough I start thinking and it is my black and blue salvia coming up from DEEP below all the dirt! WOW! The thing didnt do much last year infact I had to baby the thing the entire Summer...kept breaking and just being awful. Well I think I will have a nice strong plant this year :) So Glad I realized what it was before I took a shovel to the awful WEEDS!!! :)

Athens, OH

We all make those kind of mistakes. LOL

I can't tell you how many times, I have dug up bulbs while trying to fit in one more perennial into a bed!

Glad your plant will survive, ROX

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

That's a beautiful sage, how lucky you didn't kill it pulling its stalks away.
AND - I've done that pull up something you wanted routine many times, to the point that I now call in my friend with 'weed' knowledge before tugging at an unknown... [she knows her weeds]. ~Blooms

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Don't feel bad. I got carried away with my new weed tool and completely destroyed one of my hostas that was just starting to emerge. Ugg.. I gathered up all the little pieces, stuck them in the ground and came in the house to have a glass of tea before I destroyed anymore.

Chickamauga, GA(Zone 7a)

LOL Joan....I hope it comes back alright for you!!! I think I lucked out and this one will be just fine! It sure was a stubborn weed ;)

nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

I have done this too! Now, I am trrying to put a planted tag in the garden next to anything that will die down over winter, just hope I can remember how much ground it is taking up so that the fork keeps well away from it.
What about a photo of it? Sounds as if it would look pretty nice.

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Dear, dear hubby weeded away 5 Joepyes this spring. Oops.

Chickamauga, GA(Zone 7a)

It isnt blooming at all yet infact it is very low to the ground right now...I will go out and take some pics of the flower bed later tomorrow.....Here is a link of what it will look like when it blooms though :)
It really is a pretty plant I love the contrast of the colors!


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I kept pulling what I though were weeds last year, and found out that I was pulling Black Eyed Susans. So I did manage to have a few left when I discovered my error. Now I wait until it gets fairly big, if I don't know what it is.

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

I love the black and blue ! Lost mine last year. I have plenty of the blue,though. Too much,actually. It is in the middle of my daylily bed and smothering them. Can't have that, so I take my shovel to them and dig up half of them. Threw them out toward my ditch, wishing they would "accidentally" start growing there.Now I want the lighter blue one. Beautiful color ! Just a little too "hardy" for my small cottage garden and I don't have any other place to put one right now.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I was digging a hole for a new plant last week and couldnt figure out why there where so many roots in that spot. Turned out to be a hosta I had planted last fall and the tag disappeared! So I carried on digging and ended up with 3 little hostas to find new homes for!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I think most of us have been guilty of digging up something we want to keep "by acccident". I managed to kill a nice delphinium this year by doing that. I'm growing the Black and Blue salvia for the first time this year. Wonder if it is hardy here in zone 5? I saw some growing at a public garden last summer and fell in love with it.


Adrian, MI(Zone 5b)

Last spring I kept fighting a "new" weed!!
I asked my gardening neighbor if she noticed the new weed and she said no.I kept fighting it!!
This was on a part of my garden that I had enlarged in the fall.
I was at a friends and noticed this same leaf on her poppies!
Well, I guess when you throw seeds into the garden you should write it down !! These were beautiful pink poppies! I did have a few bloom, but it would have been a beautiful pink area if I hadn't pulled out most of them!!I had never grown poppies and now I know a poppy from a weed!
Live and learn!! Ha!!

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I was weeding last week and was pulling out every Blk Eyed Susan Vine before it dawned on me that one had the second set of leaves and it looked like the mature vine. I did leave a few after that.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

We've all done it. Thanks for the laugh!

Thornton, IL

lincoln - my black & blue survived the winter, but it was up against the south facing wall. Now it's just leaves so far, a bright green. But I'm so glad it came back!!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I had a number of things survive the winter that don't normally do so here. My Dusty Miller is on it's 4th year and some dianthus that are normally annuals are blooming away nicely. Maybe with the weather changing we are becoming more like a zone 6?


Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

I had snapdragons come back - we had such a mild winter. I didn't think they were supposed to.

I might as well tell my "weeding" story.

Nine years ago we moved into our house. The woman who owned the house previously bought a home about 4 blocks away. I waited to see what came up in the garden (an odd piano-shaped bed in the back yard- full sun with rock hard soil). Then I realized that there were things planted in the wrong spots, so I started moving everything. A brown, toasted astilbe got moved to the north side of the house, etc.... she had been a new gardener too. About halfway throught the summer I got tired of looking at the big tall weed growing at the back of the border, so I yanked it.

Of course, about a week later, the woman stopped by to ask how her delphinium was doing! After a moment of flustered confusion, I looked her straight in the eye and lied- said it was doing great! I was so scared she would ask to see it! Luckily, they moved away soon after.

The funny thing is, that part of the garden is the best spot for growing delphiniums! All the other plants got moved out, we dug out the landscape cloth, turned the piano into a half-circle, added a retaining wall, and filled it with good rich soil and compost. But that top spot at the back always gives me great delphiniums!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Every spring/summer we manage to forget what we stuck where in our tiny little retaining wall garden. I've gotten a little nutty about labels after a cloud of columbines came up in colors I don't remember planting - and since the weed half-way back on the right turned into a coneflower! If the sleep-creep-leap rule applies, a bunch of our stuff is coming into its third year and "leaping" over walls and across paths!
xxx, Carrie

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