What is the definition of 'well drained soil'??

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

i think i already have the answer to my question....but i am hoping that you will tell me what i want to hear so i can blame something else on my plants not doing so hot in a flowerbed....hostas namely....the larope is doing great ...the impatiens are doing great the hostas are really doing poorly....

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Hey Sticks n stones, I don't know the formula. I usually fill a hole with water and see how fast it drains. If it drains I figure I'm ok. I know the hostas don't like to drown, but they do like moist shade, like the impatiens.

Westerville, OH(Zone 6a)

Dig a coffee-can size hole. Fill it with water. If it drains within an hour, your soil is well drained.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Another way is to pick up a hand full of your soil wet and squeeze it together. If it stays stuck together or large pieces are stuck together then it is poorly drained. If it clumps and then falls apart it is good, If you can't get it to crush together at all then you need more compost or loam.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

A desirable well-drained soil will hold enough moisture that plants are not drought stressed for a reasonable time while always retaining enough air to insure the viability of hair roots. A soil with larger particulates (sand, loam) and plenty of organic matter is usually well-drained (as long as water has a place to flow or percolate to).


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