Fish Poop

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Does anyone use fish poop in their vegetable garden? Do you think it would be good for the soil? I have a source for getting truckloads of the stuff if I want it from a local hatchery. They clean out the bottom of the ponds and made a mountain of it.

I have no idea if it is good or not. I thought I'd ask here.


Fairmont, WV(Zone 6a)

Try the Soil and Composting forum, too. I suspect fish poo would probably be OK, although I have no idea if it would need to compost for some months before application so it didn't burn your plants. Freshwater fish would not have salty poo, so that's not an issue. I'd check to see what parasites might inhabit fish in the area and whether or not those parasites might remain stable in their poop (some parasites can encyst and go dormant for months or years)...maybe try the MI Fish & Game?

If nothing else, the smell will make you highly popular with your neighbors. :) LOL


Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

We use something called Fish Goo. It is ground up fish heads. It works wonders.

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