Growing peas

Ada, OK(Zone 7a)

I've only been growing plants for about two years so I hope this question doesn't sound dumb. Does a pea plant continue to produce pods (like beans) or is there just one harvest and then it's ready to be pulled? Thank you.

Margo T.

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Bush peas produce only a short time........a couple of good pickings and then very few more. Climbing snap peas will stretch things out a little more but not a lot.

Spencer, TN

usually plant them early as posible, when summer heat comes along they kind of fade out. I heard of someone in AZ growing them all summer succesfully by mulching deep and keeping them watered plenty.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Assuming that you are talking about English peas (Pisum) rather than southern pea peas( Vigna). Most cultivars set their crop quickly. Some of the short vine cultivars are designed for mechanical harvest ( once over picking) Older tall vine cultivars like Telephone may give you multiple harvests in a an optimum climate. The same is pretty much true of the newer varieties of bush snap beans. A mechanical harvester can only pick once. So they are designed for high pod set and uniform maturity. Few, even of the older cultivars are everbearing so several pickings is about all that is expected.

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

i planted sugar snap peas outdoors in containers about 5 days ago. yesterday i noticed that they are starting to grow. this variety i bought says that if i plant them about 6 inches apart i will not need additional support as the ploants will support themselves. i'll see what happens.

Sunnyvale, CA(Zone 9b)

I had blue lake bush green beans last year and I had a load of beans pretty continuously and then stopped. Everyone told me that would be it but I kept on watering. Then a few weeks later, they started flowering again and the harvest started up and got loads of beans again. Like Farmer said, maybe the climate here was optimal for that to happen.

I also had sugar peas last year and they produced a lot for a while and once it got hot, the plants seemed to peter out.


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