I'm holding all of you responsible...

Cumberland, RI

Thanks. Thanks a bunch :P

After quickly browsing this forum I impulsively bought a bunch of climbers and just got the confimation email that they are coming. I know nothing about them and have nowhere to put them. Rut roh! I simply made sure they were the right zone!

So here's what is coming.


I guess it's time to read up on them and scan the yard for a location to put them.

This happened to me last summer too after seeing a Wisteria in full bloom. I bought 4 varieties and then built this crazy thing. All 4 are rapidly climbing the pole and 2 have reached the top.

Thumbnail by jcraig949
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Welcome to the wonderful/sick world of the PLANT ADDICT! I do this same thing EVERY YEAR - buy vines and other plants and wonder where the heck I will plant them!! LOL

It gets WORSE - wait until you become addicted to TROPICAL vines - oh, my - it just isn't right that nurseries bring those tropicals into our world and MAKE US BUY THEM! I would go without food in order to buy a plant - isn't that SAD?

Have you ever noticed that most plants are IN FULL BLOOM at the nurseries, because vendors KNOW WE ARE SICKIES/SUCKERS?

Cumberland, RI

Yeah I hear ya. I still also have 6 plants sitting in pots from nurseries that I haven't a clue where to put them. My SO has been giving me grief about them saying that I'm wasting money on impulse buying. Clever me ... I am now starting to store these in containers for my new container garden *wink* *wink* until I can find a permanent home for them.

Tropical Vines? I've seen them in nurseries but between the sticker shock and my ability to neglect my garden from time time and awareness of said affliction, I tend to stay away from anything that even has a whiff of being high maintenance. Give me a daylily any day.

Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

I was at the nursery today picking up some spary and the lady at the counter in front of me ahd hit the clearance rack. She had picked up a nice looking plant for $3. Why? The bloom had closed and without a bloom, it wouldn't sell as fast. The plant was perfectly healthy...it had just passed its 'prime' for the year for selling. If I hadn't had my hubby with me, I'd have hit the clearnace rack myself...LOL! But then, he is usually with me because he knows I am weak....

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

You aren't kidding about the tropical vines lol I have probably ordered about 15 types-no idea where to put them except the deck-where there really isn't much room on the railings because of the two pk honeysuckle and 2 clematis and all the containers I plant with annuals (about 40 lol) and all the tropical house plants, and my ginko in a big pot and all the tropical shrubs that I have ordered. This is crazy...but lots of fun!!! lol

Cumberland, RI

Yay! My order arrived. I ordered 'em from Spring Hill Nurseries and they are all very nice healthy looking plants.. The grab bag had Jackmani, Nelly Moser and Dutchess of Edinburg. Off to label maker and then to bed as I'm going to get up early and get these in the ground b/c there's another batch coming from Silver Star on Wednesday and I'm severly backlogged on getting things into the dirt. All this rain has had me stuck inside placing orders!

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