nutrient dense food

Spencer, TN

i thought this article was interesting, i been working on going "comercial" with it for a long time but it sure takes a lot of work/time/money to get started. I've been veggie gardening for nearly 40 yrs, basicly grew up in a garden. and had my share of failiers and some halfway reasonable successes.

Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

reuben, that is a lot of really good information. I had never heard of the Brix index before now, but I am fairly new to gardening.

I have been reading some statistics about how the eggs you buy in the store today are far less nutritious than the country eggs of free range chickens, and how the corporate food producers are only concerned with cost and price - nutritional value does not concern them.

This article shows that the vegetable producers have the same concerns with cost and price and not nutritional value, as stated that the low Brix values are "robbing the body similar to processed foods" in people as well as livestock. I was shocked by the part about the Dept. of Ag standards call for size and color only, nothing else!!

I hope that article is read by many of our corporate meat producers. In a dollar and cents world they should latch on the the statement that "cows only eat half as much food with the high Brix value and they eat with a low Brix value".

Thanks for sharing this info,

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