The Coffee House

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

The ol Coot hung 2 of these lil dittys up. And in no time, one .. had residency established by a pair of Wrens!

Doin' what I enjoy most; tryin' to fetch some pics of the babies .. while one of the parent's jes haint quite sure what to make of me. So she checks around .. checking 'high' ...

.. #1 of 11 Pics ..

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. #2 of 11 Pics ..

Then .. she decides to check 'low' ... verrrrrrry low ... (lol)

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. #3 of 11 Pics ..
And .. she's checking 'round yonder' too! ...

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. #4 of 11 Pics ..
Jes a lil silhouette of one of the parents on the clothes line .. (s/he was cutting some kinda rackety hullabaloo, I tell ya) ...

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. #5 of 11 Pics ..
The other 'coffee house' was yet unused - so I removed the lid to show how the ol Coot fastened the plastic canisters to the house. (shows the vent holes that were drilled, etc.).

Thumbnail by Magpye
Mississauga, ON(Zone 6a)

What a great idea Magpye and I bet the birds love them. Is this a new idea or have you used the cans before? What house are they attached to? surely not the one you live in.

Joan, intrigued :)

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

((gigglin')) .. wha, of course .. the coffee canister is fastened onto our house ..

More comin' ...

This message was edited May 10, 2006 3:52 PM

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. #6 of 11 Pics ..
One can easily see why 'momma & daddy' have been so cautious: they've got 4 lil mouths to attend!! Not sure that all four of them are visible in any of these photos tho' ...

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. #7 of 11 Pics ..
Three lil 'fleshy' beaks are visible in this shot ..

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. #8 of 11 Pics ..
A couply days later ...

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. #9 of 11 Pics ..

They've 'flown the coop'! The 'teens are out on their 1st nature spree'!
I'd saw, what I thought were mom & dad at the time (but, were actually the last 2 babies) .. standing on the 'house' perch one morning. Went inside to fetch my camera, and by the time I'd returned .. everybody was gone!

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. #10 of 11 Pics ..
Poor lil guy - he's clamping onto the bark of the tree trunk with all of his mite. His rudders haint even long enuff yet .. to 'suit' me. (hee)

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

(Welllll .. doggone it: I still can't count right!) ... sorry for the mis-labeling/numerbering ..

- Magpye

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

Magpye, you know I'm a fan!! those are great. I'm always looking for your next set of post's.


This message was edited May 10, 2006 8:41 PM

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

((thanks, Gary!!)) .. Geeeeeezers!! .. I still can't SPELL .. either!! .. (numerbering)
And, I thot I'd 'proof-read' the thing! .. LOL ..

Think I'll leave that one and ^ those also ^ .. for 'pos-ter-ree-tee' ...

Ahhh, shucks .. maybe in my next life - I'll have all mah kinks 'irnd' out !! .. (hee)

- Magpye

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Those birdhouses are too funny! You really ought to send Folger's some pictures. :) If you go to** and ask for an e-mail address where you can send photos, I bet they'd get a kick out of them.

I loved your Folgers Birdhouses. That was a great idea! So easy to clean too. Great work and wonderful photos! This is one series to show my kids.

(Zone 10b)

I don't know who is more resourceful, the bird or your husband. The pic of the bird craning its neck is priceless.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Magpye, what a great idea! Everytime I throw away one of those great folger's container's, I think, "this oughta be good for something", but I do have limited space, so I pitch them. But, you can bet, I won't be pitchin' another one.!! Thanks, a bunch for posting the pics.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Is that a log house you live in? My DS and BIL lives in one. They built it themselves about 20 years ago. They love it!

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

What a great way to recycle! Marvelous pictures as always

Mississauga, ON(Zone 6a)

I'll add my congratulations on your resourcefulness.

I have a hard time when it comes to throwing out containers. I always wonder 'What can this be used for?' & quite often they are recycled in one way or the other.

I'll bet the birds love these homes, and I'm wondering what birds in particular come to them.

Great pictures Magpye


Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I would think that would depend on the size of hole you put for them to get into. Also how high you place it. Me, I don't care what kind of birds build in my houses, I just love to watch them all.

Mississauga, ON(Zone 6a)

For sure Sheila, I like to watch them all too.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Magpye, how I wish I were a little wren! I would fly to AR and make myself comfy in one of your local "coffee houses." Looks like a nice place to call home.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Ahhh, thanks .. to all of you guys.

The birds'll probably be d-lited .. for you guys to provide them some lil plastic recycled 'modular' housing. (hee)

The 'ingenuity' goes to the ol Coot! They do work very well. The plastic won't 'bake' like the metal coffee cans would, and a body couldn't ask for any E-Z'er method to remove/access the nest box, for cleaning, etc. The lids hold shut, even in some of the mitey 'pert' winds we've had around here. Heck, there's even a built-in ledge to support the beginning of nest construction!! .. lol ..

I can only imagine that they would draw the attention of most any bird .. especially those that usually 'seek' out the eaves of our homes, and under the porches, etc. The two that the ol Coot threw together were placed under the roof of the porch. I'm sorta hopin' that the lil flycatchers will take an interest in them also. (may make for a bit less 'mess' to deal with on the porch floors).

.. Sheila_FW ..
Yes'm .. we live in a log home. Didn't build it ourselves, but it wasn't a 'kit' home either. Drew up our plans, hired a couple of 'experienced' log home builders in the area, ordered our kiln dried logs, had 'em delivered .. and up she went. But, we sure nuff .. contributed heavily to the labor. Took about 4 months - and were some gosh-awful ready to get moved in, and did .. 'round the middle of October of '97.

.. nap ..
That'd be one super migration, I tell ya. .. Heck, one super transformation, for that matter! .. lol .. (luvinly teasin' ya kiddo!)

The both of us .. really appreciate all of your wonderful comments and suggestions, folks ..


- Magpye

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I bet if you left the front off of one and put it up high, by the porch ceiling, you might get a robin to nest in it. They like to just pile a nest on a flat surface. That'd be cool, eh?

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. gardenwife ..

May would be 'just the thing' for a good many folks ...

Oddly, about the only occasion that we've been privvy to the Robin; is when it's getting mitey dry here in the Ozarks (mid-to-late summer, I think). One or three, will pop-in for a brisk water splatterin' and a thirst quenching, at the bird baths .. and sample a butterfly or two.

Most anything's worth a try, to encourage the Robins to visit here more often tho', for sure ...

- Magpye

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I could send you bushels of robins. I'd take on of those Arkansas ivory-billed woodpecker in exchange. ;)

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I love the Cedar Waxwings, but they don't nest here, just traveling through.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Oh, Magpye, what a wonderful idea! I love your birdhouses. SO creative and thrifty. And clearly the birds love them, too.

Mississauga, ON(Zone 6a)

Ahh, so they're plastic cans. I can see where the metal cans would become very uncomfortable for these wee friends of yours.

You are an ingenious pair!


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