Orioles @ the Roost

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

They arrived at the end of April .. but it wasn't until May 2nd, that I managed to pull off my first shots!

- Magpye

.. Pic #1 of 14 ..
A Baltimore Oriole male and a Goldfinch, sitting on a branch in one of the Oaks near the flat feeder.

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Pic #2 of 14 ..
A mature male in the flat feeder .. with the bounty!

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Pic #3 of 14 ..
The 'back side' of a mature male.

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Pic #4 of 14 ..

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Pic #5 of 14 ..

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Pic #6 of 14 ..

I'd first believed that the Oriole in the center of this pic, was a female .. but, I'm not sure; for
some of the males appear to be juveniles (not quite thru putting on their 'colors'.

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Pic #7 of 14 ..
Five Orioles -3 adult males, (what I'd taken to be) 1 juvey male .. along with the one in the 'fly-by' ...

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Pic #8 of 14 ..
Four male Orioles - 3 adults and 1 juvey

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Pic #9 of 14 ..
On another day, while propped against one of the porch posts shooting the hummers - to my ultimate surprise - one of the male Orioles opted to come dine at the hummer feeder!

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Pic #10 of 14 ..
I'd thought my slight lil 'jump' .. may've frightened him off. But he apparently wasn't too concerned about the odd & lumpy post after all. .. hee ..

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Pic #11 of 14 ..
The Oriole version, of .. suckin' up .. as much as he can swig 'up-side-down', that is! I'd wondered if these two newest hummer feeders had been leaking down over night. I was about ready to return the thangs. Now, I know what was really goin' on. The lil orange theives were the culprits, all along ...

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Pic #12 of 14 ..
He's re-positioning himself. (hee)

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Pic #13 of 14 ..
The flash hasn't seemed to bother him either ..

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

The last one .. Pic #14 of 14 ..

Perhaps the flash affected him after all .. or, his tastes reverted to that of the oranges and grape jelly awaiting him at the flat feeder .. or, jes maybe, the hummers got fed up with his 'elbowing' in on their goody supply!!

Perhaps it was a combination of ALL of the above!! .. LOL ..

Hope you guys enjoyed ...


- Magpye

Thumbnail by Magpye
W Hartford, CT(Zone 5b)

wow! I've never seen so many Orioles at once!
I put out an orange for the first time, and no one ate it. Maybe jelly would help? What other birds eat oranges? How about other fruits?

Ohhhhh! Great photos Magpye, just beautiful

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Howdy birdmanct and angele ...
Am thrilled, that you've enjoyed the photos!

Currently, there are NINE of the lil beauties: 4 females and 5 males. Have also observed, that one or two of the males are taking on an even deeper orange on their chests!! I just can't seem to manage to catch 'em ALL in the same place at the same time .. to fetch a photo!

Yeppers .. Sure 'nuff! Little did we know - there certainly are other birds that enjoy the oranges and the grape jelly! The Blue Jays will take a sample every now and again, along with the lil Indigo Bunting partaking of a wee sample also.

However, it's been the female Red-bellied Woodpecker that likes to run the Orioles off from the flat feeder. The 'heifer' pecks at any Oriole that doesn't get gone quick enuff to suit her .. then, will gulp the jelly down in seconds, and peck the orange pulp till the rind is dry!!! ... I try to keep her run off, but it seems that I'm more of a petty nuisance to her than a 'real' threat ... LOL .. And, I'd s'pose .. that, that's alright too. (the heifer)! .. hee

Also .. I want to give credit where credit is due - - to tabasco, and her thread, here > http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/468489/
This .. is the only time that we see the Orioles .. so, I'm afraid the 'winter-time feeding' applies to Spring, for us. But if it hadn't been for tabasco's thread, I'd've never had an inkling of what to offer them.

I plan to post some of the (Red-bellieds 'greedy-gut') pics on another thread ...


- Magpye

This message was edited May 10, 2006 2:56 PM

Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Great series of Baltimore Oriole photos. It is great to see that many Orioles at one time. They are one beautiful bird. I have never seen an Oriole around our house. Perhaps I need to put out some orange halves and see what it attracts.

Yesterday, I had a Magnolia Warbler hang around all day and I never saw them before on my property. Today, I have a Yellow-Rumped Warbler. And, finally, today I took a short walk back through the woods near our house and saw an American Redstart for the first time. So, maybe, just maybe, I'll get lucky one day and be blessed with a visit from the Baltimore Oriole.

Thanks for sharing.

I just asked Kent a few days ago if he would help me build a platform feeder because I read that Orioles prefer them. I think I'll get that help because Kent was saying our Mesquite tree was looking like some weird Christmas tree, lol. What with the oranges, apples, bread, hummingbird feeder and yesterday I added a peanut butter on toast to one of the branches just to see if it would attract anything. The first bird the oranges halves attracted was a Verdin & since then the finches and Orioles and a few others I don't know. Today was the first day an Oriole came while I was outside. He stayed high up in the back branches but we're making progress. It is so encouraging to see your pictures, Magpye, such a beautiful sight.

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

Those are beautiful pictures. How lucky you are to have Oriole's. They are rare here but do see one from time to time. Your Quite handy with the Camera.


NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Thanks .. to all of you, for your ever so sweet comments ..

angele .. I can certainly relate to the 'Christmas tree' analogy! (heehee) We want to put together a smaller but longer version of the covered flat feeder that will hold only the orange halves and a dish for the jelly (no seed-feed). The 'regulars' and the seed 'bullies' seem to think the entire tray belongs to them; and don't particularly like sharing it with the Orioles .. (lol)
Just stay positive, angele .. these, seem to be getting not quite so leary of our activity on the front porch. I've noticed that they aren't flying away as far, or going up as high in the trees .. when they see us coming. And believe me - they don't miss a thing!!! .. LOL ..

Also .. with the plexiglass covering we use; it allows the birds to be able to 'see' what's going on around them. Especially, to see 'danger' before it gets toooooo close ...

Gary .. this, is the first time, that we've ever spotted more than 2!! And is certainly the very longest that they've 'hung' around also. I know I need to do some more reading about them. I've stated as much already (above) .. but I swear to goodness, if some of these males get any brighter or vivid an 'orange' .. I'd be tempted to believe that they may breed here also!! Now, THAT would be awesome!! (but, I'm not gonna get my hopes 'up' too much). The down-side, is .. that their coloring also indicates to me, that they may not be here for much longer .. :- (

Our 1st batch of the Eastern BB's nestlings have fledged - but, of course, I missed actually witnessing the event (with my concentrating on the Orioles) .. but would see the parents fly and call out, while a lil head or two bobbed in the entry hole. Got a bunch of pitters of the parents coming to the flat feeder, to raid the raisins and cherries tho'. The BB's would watch closely .. when we refilled the flat feeder with the premium seed ... (smart'uns, they are!)

I wonder if our 98 cent investment in each of the 5 jars of Great Value brand grape jelly and replenishing the oranges & jelly, for what seems like every 3 or 4 hours - - - - has anything to do with the #'s !?! (hmmm)

Linth, & any others .. I hope that you can attract them to your immediate yardens.

Ya know .. I've noticed several other 'new' birds, here to our yard this year also. Some lil tiny yeller bird, that resembles the American Goldfinch male so much so - but, the black is under his beak, instead of on top of his head. I've not been able to positively ID him yet: with only one distant view & shot .. I can't tell much more about him. The lil Oven birds have been coming to the feeders also. They're usually a ground feeder, from what I understand .. but they must be finding some lil morsel tidbit that they've taken an interest .. that is in the premium seed. Otherwise, it's strait up Sunflower seed we provide in the other feeders. Pretty sure I've spotted a couple of the females about also.

I've not been able to capture a photo (yet) .. but I'd long been hearing, what I thought was the Rufous-sided Towhee - but the sound seemed to come from high in the trees. The other day, the sound was coming nearer and nearer. The *ditz* here, kept lookin' toward the ground .. waiting for the Towhee to reveal himself. Wellll, he did - but it twernt no Towhee! What displayed himself on the end of an Oak branch .. was a most beautiful deep red Scarlet Tanager. He was way up in the tree tops! A vividly blood red with the wings: comfortably preening himself. He also seemed a mite bit engrossed with the activity at the flat feeder .. soooo, I'm wondering, if they too .. have an occasion to partake of the fruits. I'm keepin' my fangers crossed (& sayin' lil prayers) .. that I may get the opportunity to pull off a few camera shots of him soon. To beat all - we saw him on three different occasions that day. IF & WHEN ever .. the pitters won't be near the quality as many others post, here on DG - but I'll be delighted, jes the same ...


- Magpye

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

magpie, GReat Photos!!! I was wondering, How high is your platform feeder?

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

((thank you, Iris))

The bottom of the open/flat feeder tray .. is at about 5 foot .. from the * closest ground (give or take an inch or two).

* On the other side of rock edge, at the base of the pole of the open/flat feeder (in the pics above) - the ground level drops another foot.

- Magpye

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the response Magpie! I was really wondering on the height because the orioles that are here are either up high or low to the ground and my platform feeder is about 5ft high too so I guess it's the right height, I just need to have patience! If I could even get one like the pics you got, I'd be happy!!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, magpye--

Thanks for posting the really great story and pics about your Oriole-fest at your feeder!

It looks like the orange halves and grape jelly are really the food of choice for these beauties! And the hummingbird feeder, too, of course! LOL

I am wondering why you think the orioles will be leaving your property so soon?...It seems like you would have an ideal location for them (from what I've read.) at least to nest and breed before returning southward, no?

I googled around and found this old essay by another Arkansas woman who created an 'oriole colony' too, albeit for 'orchard' orioles... I can't get the link to work here, but if you google "An orchard oriole colony in Arkansas" a pdf file for the article will come up.

Our orioles are lurking around. I see them high up and flying through but they haven't stopped at my feeding tray that I know of. Maybe I'll switch from Welch's to the Dollar Store brand!

Thanks again for the great Oriole update. t.

This message was edited May 12, 2006 7:12 AM

W Hartford, CT(Zone 5b)

magpye, thanks for the great pics, hyperlinks, and info [I just rediscovered this thread :-]

Mississauga, ON(Zone 6a)

Thank you Magpye for once again bringing us the animals and birds that visit you. Wonderful pictures. Joan

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

What beautiful birds!! #12 shows 8 birds counting the one on the hummer feeder.

I wa thrilled by these pictures when you posted but didn't have time to say anything. My mom fell and broke her hip and life has been in disarray for a while. I'd peek in and leave. Now she's doing well and it's time for the entire family to breath easy!

I keep telling Paul we need to find a log to use as a feeder...and a flat feeder for better pictures...thanks for the inspiration!

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Floridian/Stacy ..

Those other 8 you see .. are the 'wildebeasts' of the feathered world: a batch of Goldfinches in the flat feeder eating the bird seed ...

But, hey .. don't you blush none: cause when I first pulled up the thumbnail to review my shots .. I resounded something quite similar. Only .. I had a horrendously loud "YAHOO" included, when I'd hollered out to the ol coot about it!

The ol Coot constructed a new flat feeder to house the oranges and a dish of jelly, and hung it elsewhere.

Altho', I've not time to post any updated images right now - I do want to tell you guys, that we're up to 19 Baltimores, AND we've had the Orchard Oriole and his mate to visit; twice .. (that we've witnessed)! Also have some additional citrus & jelly addicts to visit the Oriole feeder.

- Magpye

LOL, Magpye the tourist bus' will be driving by in a steady steam pretty soon & I'll be on one. I know what you mean by 'what we witnessed' I wonder what goes on when I'm not looking, too.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Imposters! Haha I wouldn't really recognise either of them because neither are here in my area...at least to my knowledge. I said that about Bluebirds and guess who showed up? Yep, Mr BB in all his glory. First I've seen this far south

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Now .. we can shout THAT, together - - YEEEE HAWWWW!! For the BB's for Stacy ... (if you're sure, that is!!) LOL

Ya reckon it's possible, that ya jes aint been a noticin' good enuff .. ? ..


- Magpye

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

BB...right? Within a mile of our house...probably a lot less as the Bluebird flies

Thumbnail by Floridian
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Oh Magpye, orange is orange isn't it. last week I was on my knees weeding, there was a soft breeze, the husband was working on my window and the oriole was singing. Life doesn't get much better. He's still singing ''there's a tree over here.'' Apparently his mate is still looking at trees, laugh.

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