Holy cow!

Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

You are not going to believe this. I have been wanting a grass-eater for my pasture for some time. The goats eat the weeds and kudzu but the grass is getting tall. When I got home from work yesterday there were two big cows in my front yard!! I went out there shaking a bucket of goat feed and talking to them, and they followed me back into the pasture.

Thumbnail by hmstyl
Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

The light one is a mama, probably a few years old. The dark brown one is a young bull, maybe 8 or 9 months old. Both are very big cows! Thanksfully, no horns!

Thumbnail by hmstyl
Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

Sometime last night the mama went over the fence, but the baby bull is still in my pasture. I can hear mama calling to him from off in the woods. I sure hope they don't tear up my fence today while I am at work.

Thumbnail by hmstyl
New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Beautiful cows. We need cows here to eat our pastures.. We have 18 acres!!!!

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

What a trip!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

hmm, dont' get arrested for rustling now, ya here? LOL bet someone will be coming to get them, but hopefully not before they grave really well.

if you want a good grazer, try a couple of sheep. angora are nice, or there is also one that actually makes a nice milk!!!

Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

moi? a cattle rustler? hehe

My neighbor came over to help and said that they are not from their herd, and that another neighbor had seen them earlier in the day and called the other neighbors (within a mile or two), nobody seems to be missing any cows. Apparently a third cow was seen early in the day - but no sign of a third cow last night.

He said that I needed to report "found" livestock to the sheriff's office, and if nobody claimed them in 3 days I can keep them. I did call the S.O. to report them and the officer said that nobody has called to report any cows missing. He laughed when I said "don't send animal control or anybody over to get them, they are perfectly fine in my pasture."

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)


Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

As long as you don't mind the damage they can and will do to your yard all is well. Ours was damaged badly by someone's cattle. Those are some nice looking bovines tho.

Falls Mills, VA

You were dreaming about cows......now you got yourself two.....LOL. Does that bull still have all his 'parts'....looks like he might judging by the way his neck muscles seem to be bulking up. Looks like you have lots of green stuff for them to munch on.

Potsdam, NY(Zone 4a)

That is very cool, hmstyl. Talk about answered prayers! Cows from Heaven raining down in your yard! LOL! Let us know if anyone claims them. It is not every day a person gets free livestock! Good luck with them. BAM

Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

I am sorry to say that the cows were gone when I got home from work yesterday. With mama calling to the young bull, he took out a good bit of fence when he went through it to get to her.

Gee, I had cows for only one day!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)


well, at least you got the enjoyment without the feed bill...


Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

That's too bad. I hope they come back. What a great find!

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