Passiflora Shots

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

They are finally blooming! This is Actinea

Thumbnail by RichSwanner
Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

This is Victoria

Thumbnail by RichSwanner
Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

And caerulea with a Female Carpenter Bee.

Thumbnail by RichSwanner
Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

I've never tried growing these plants. They are beautiful!!! Really cool bee shot!!


Center, TX(Zone 8b)

Very nice pictures. My passies are only a couple of inches tall. Can't wait until they start blooming.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Rich, your photography is incredible. I am lucky to not have a blurr for a photo.

I'm just green here.


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I dont have any passiflora yet, but sure do have my eye on a few. Does anyone grow theirs in containers or do most people do it in the ground and let it crawl up a fence? I have a weak fence and hesitate letting a plant use it for support until we can replace it. So I was thinking if I got one I could try it in a pot and use a trellis or bamboo stakes. Any ideas or comments?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I grew two Passis for the first time last year. Bought them at my HD for $20 each. OUCH! I had a "Clear Sky" and a "Lady Margaret". Well! SHE climbed all over my shed, sprawling left and right!

LM has small, but very pretty blooms. I tried to take cuttings last fall. I also shred some with a fellow DG'er "Up Norht". Mine did OK all Fall and early winter, but then petered out. So, I have none! The "Clear Sky" cuttings fared better. Several survived and are now growing in the same area I had the LM in. It will be interesting to see just how far this one climbs.

I posted a lot of pics last year, but will share some with you again. New season--new people.


This is a shot of LM climbing on my shed. Big leaves in front is one of my Brugs.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here's another angle of the same.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Same vine--now turning the corner and crawling all over my outdoor thermometer.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Last one.....late in fall. Took this on Nov. 16th shortly before ripping uo the whole plant.
A nise close-up and farewell to my Lady.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Gita, your Lady was sooooo pretty. It looks like it gave you a spectacular show. Thanks so much for sharing your pics....I am new and do appreciate you sharing. There are so many different kinds of passiflora's, how do I choose which variety to get? I guess price and availability could be one deciding factor, but if I mail order........I can't decide, there are so many that look so striking. Will you please share a pic of your Clear Sky when you get blooms? Is that the one with all white blooms? hmmm......I am off to plantfiles.
Again, beautiful vine you had there!

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Ms_merae: Passiflora was/is my "gateway vine." I just started out with one, and it did so well that I got brave and ventured in to other things. You can grow them in a container, but keep an eye on the bottom of the pot. I brought one home and set it down on the ground in the cheap plastic container from the nursery. The next year we tried to move it and a THICK root had burst through the bottom and straight into the ground- we had to cut it, which scared me, but after a couple of weeks it was up and running again. It's a great vine that grows very quickly; enjoy!

This message was edited May 25, 2006 1:51 PM

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Do passifloras prefer to be on the dry side? I have a white one I grew from seeds from Costa Rica. The vine is huge and about 3 years old now, but has not bloomed. It gets sun from about noon on. Another vine getting less sun, grown fromt he same seed batch is starting to produce flowers. As a matter of fact it is adjacent to the large one that has grown into the tree. I am wondering if they are getting too much water. The roots are in shady areas. I don/t intentionally water them- they just get watered when I am watering everything else and when it rains. Probably needs all day sun ?

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

try some liquid Kelp, RJ.........I have a rain barrel, which has a tap at the bottom...........feed my old roses, clematis, .............the end result is oodles of flowers!! Elaine

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Elaine- I have that...and also a rain barrell. Often times we have the things needed, just missing the knowledge!! Do they like to be dry? Or average watering.. It is very hot here 90F everyday, not dipping below 70 at night.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Finally have some blooms. It's not as nice as the ones with colours, but a passion is always interesting. thanks for the advice.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

late bloomer...............

You are right about the passiflora, they are pretty know matter what the color.
Great pictures. and beauties if I may sayso.


Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

Here is my passaflora Incarnata in profile.

Thumbnail by BamaBelle
Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

Another shot-same flower the first just looks blue due to the lighting.

This message was edited May 29, 2006 4:09 AM

Thumbnail by BamaBelle

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