Spring Bouquets!

Lawrence, KS

I'm not much of an artist/designer, but I can't wait to bring flowers inside this time of year. I had to resist the tulips (I have so few I want to leave them all in the yard), and don't have many other bulb-types for early cuttings, but here are my first two wee spring bouquets. Now show us yours!

Thumbnail by egiap
Lawrence, KS

(This one is several days old).

Thumbnail by egiap
Elizabethton (Stoney, TN(Zone 6b)

Hmmm - I bet that peony smells good!

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

What is the yellow flower that looks like a spirea?

Lawrence, KS

The peony smells awesome! And I managed to bring it in during the bud phase before the ants appeared on it. The yellow flower is "basket of gold" (gold allysum). It's one of my earliest bloomers. It's not really a very good bouquet flower, because it sheds its gold dust all over!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Basket of Gold! I forgot about that! I used to LOVE those! There were too many on one side, or I tried to move them to the other side, and then next year, nothing! Waaah! I'll have to get some more.

xxxxxxxxx, Carrie

Piedmont, MO(Zone 6a)

Lovely bouquets, especially the second one! What is the fuzzy flower or seed pod on the lower left?

I was hoping someone would do a thread like this. I love to see unusual flower combinations. It is great to look back on photos to see what blooms at the same time, too.

Here are a couple of bouquets from March:
This one is 'Appleblossom' amaryllis with Arum italicum leaves.

Thumbnail by Toxicodendron
Piedmont, MO(Zone 6a)

This is a mixture of daffodils with some yew foliage.

Thumbnail by Toxicodendron
Piedmont, MO(Zone 6a)

Irises, hosta leaves, snowball viburnum, dame's rocket:

Thumbnail by Toxicodendron
Piedmont, MO(Zone 6a)

We could call this one "hyacinths and dirty fingers" !

Gotta go for today. Hope more DGers post bouquet pics.

Thumbnail by Toxicodendron
Lawrence, KS

What gorgeous flowers and wonderful arrangements, Toxi! Thanks for sharing. I especially like the yew foliage with the daffodils.

The fuzzy seed heads are from the pasque flowers I ordered this spring and received after bloom time. I'll have to wait until next year to see the flowers, but I sure do like those fuzzies!

The "vase" in my second photo, by the way, is a travertine Q-tip holder from Bed Bath & Beyond. I bought it because I liked the stone-like material; I didn't think of putting flowers in it until I got it home. I like to see what unusual vessels people use for displaying flowers (the "dirty fingers" might be my favorite so far!).

Sorry about your baskets of gold, Carrie---I originally had two plants, and lost one that I didn't care for properly during a dry hot summer. They do seem a bit delicate.

Cheers, Egiap

Piedmont, MO(Zone 6a)

The sun is shining...maybe I can go out and get a new bouquet to photograph. All the flowers have been soaked and bedraggled here with all the rain we've had.

Carrie, I used to have basket of gold too. It disappeared one wet winter.

Keep posting bouquets!

Piedmont, MO(Zone 6a)


Here is a current arrangement. I don't get too fancy with these, but I like to get an occasional photo...this helps me remember what flowers bloom at the same time, for garden planning purposes.

C'mon....the rest of you must pick something and let me see!!!

Thumbnail by Toxicodendron
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Well, we did pick these together, but they didn't last until I got a digital camera for my birthday!!! This is forget-me-nots and a fragrant little boquet daffodil we planted last fall, shown in situ a little too late to pick now.

xxxx, Carrie

Thumbnail by carrielamont
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

awww... well in real life the blue is bluer, but everything is on the way out now. But a few weeks ago the combination was absolutely captivating - even my XH complimented me on them. Maybe it was TOO sunny that day.

xx, Carrie

This message was edited May 26, 2006 9:55 AM

Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

Here in coastal Northern CA we are sliding into summer already. Here is a small bouquet with a spray of "Delaney Sisters" roses. They are mixed with a single stem of Limonium (the tallest in the vase, small purple flowers), a stem of red alstroemeria that broke off too short to be by itself, and the leaves of an 'Emperor 1" Japanese maple.

Thumbnail by jkom51
Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

This is from March, a couple of years ago: freesias, ranunculus, and alstroemeria.

Thumbnail by jkom51
Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

This is from January, 2005: white Callas and dark purple bearded iris. These iris are an unknown older variety. No scent, but they bloom 2-3 times a year for us!

Thumbnail by jkom51
Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

Another mixed bouquet from March: more iris and white callas, mixed with alstroemeria, freesias, and pink cestrum. The cestrum didn't work, alas, not a good cut flower.

Thumbnail by jkom51
Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

My hydrangeas have just started to bloom. This is an 'Endless Summer' clone that was 4 barren branches when I popped it into the ground in early February 2006.

Thumbnail by jkom51
Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

This final one is an evergreen clumping daylily 'Evening Enchantment' -- it really is this rich, reddish-brown color shaded to black -- with white callas, limonium,, and sprays of cape plumbago.

Thumbnail by jkom51
Piedmont, MO(Zone 6a)

Those are beautiful jkom51!!! Especially the ones with white callas contrasted with dark irises, daylilies, etc. Very elegant. Looks like you have quite a selection to harvest when we still have gray winter here. Irises blooming 2 or 3 times a year must be great. I really like the dark daylily, too.

Carrielamont, I can tell that the forgetmenots and daffodils were a knockout combination! Now that you have your new camera, we can look forward to lots more pics?!


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes, Toxi. every am (that's not raining) I go out and take pictures!! Someday I may need to read the manual! I need to find the forum that's just for pix...

xx, Carrie

Piedmont, MO(Zone 6a)

Here is a link to the photos forum, Carrie. http://davesgarden.com/place/f/photos/all/

If you have a great plant picture and you are sure of the genus and species, you can upload that by going to the plant, scroll down to the bottom and click on add an image for this plant. You will need to resize it to about 100kb or less first.

Looking forward to your additions,

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Ah, but I am only rarely sure of the common name, never of the genus and species. I look there (amazed) sometimes, though.

carrie with pixels in her eyes.

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