I love variegated plants!

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Here are three shots of my syngonium podophyllym albo variegata and one of a new plant I got in the mail yesterday: Philodendron Florida Aureo Variegata.

The first syn. shot reminds me of the Joker(from Batman). You know, the half of a face going on. The second one is just a different leaf on the same plant. The third is too, but it has a yellowish/beige tinge to it. So many different patterns of variegation on the same plant. Any other fans of variegated plants out there?

Thumbnail by GrowHappy
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

This one looks like it has some gray in it...

Thumbnail by GrowHappy
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Here's the yellow one unfurling....

Thumbnail by GrowHappy
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Philo Florida Aureo Variegata

Thumbnail by GrowHappy
Oshkosh, WI(Zone 4b)

I absolutely LOVE variegated plants, and all of yours are so beautiful! I don't think I've every seen one like your first plant, the syngonium podophyllym albo variegata. Where did you find that?

I'm a big fan of Philos too, and love that one as well!


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey Candace!

I found the syngonium at Glasshouseworks. Got it last May. It's a pretty vigorous grower and needs some support. I have it wrapping around a bamboo U hoop. I love syngoniums. Do you have this one?

Thumbnail by GrowHappy
Oshkosh, WI(Zone 4b)

Wow, that is a beautiful syngonium too! I don't have one, not yet anyway. I've been trying to find one in the local garden store, but the ones I see don't always look the greatest for some reason. I know I've seen one like this one though, so I might just have to go take another look at them and see if I can find a healthy one!


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

I had to give my pink one a haircut today. I have one really long cutting I could send you if you'd like. You could actually cut it in half and have two plants because there are two nodes at different places on the stem. Let me know if you are interested and I'll send it to you!


Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

I've looked for that plant, but haven't been able to find it. It's beautiful!!! I'm a big varigation fan.
I also have the one in your second pic, but doesn't look as good as yours. Looks a little stragley. How do you trim yours?


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi Debbie,

I cut mine down to the bone. LOL Seriously, I cut off all lankey/floppy stems and one really long one. The vine I cut off has to be about 3 feet long! I want it to look nice and compact and this haircut should do the trick!

Can you post pics of yours?


Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

I have one like in your 5th pic...looks just like yours...i bought it at a grocery store of all places...it was $9.99...my sister thought i was CRAZY for buying a plant that cost that much..i said " look at the pink in the leaves and how pretty it is" she just shook her head....

I could also send some cuttings to some people....did any of you sign up for the houseplant swap?


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey Char!

Your sis would quite possibly toss her cookies if she knew how much I've paid for some plants! LOL Everyone has limits, but when you have to have a certain plant, sometimes the sky is the limit. It's part of the plant lover's addiction, I think.

I didn't sign up for it. I can't do trades like that- have to be able to do them on my own time because of my busy schedule. Usually don't do trades anyway, just send stuff that I have extra of. Did you sign up for it Char?


Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

yes i did....figured i had alot of plants that could use alittle trim so been rooting some of them...I have had alot of people, like yourself, help me out so it is time that i share my love.

here is a pic of my plant.


Thumbnail by red_princess_71
Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Hey Char, What a BEAUTIFUL African Mask in the background! I LOVE the pot you chose for it. It looks VERY healthy and happy!


Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)


Hmm wonder who got me that....ohh it was you :o) your such a wondeful person....do you think it looks healthy? I am trying so hard to keep her healthy and my pink princess, which btw has a new leaf trying to unravel......
I have to find a saucer of some sort for the bottom of the African Mask as the blue plate just looks nasty...will have to look for one when i go to the mission, goodwill, or sally world.

Thanks for the compliment :o)
Here is a pic of just of her

Thumbnail by red_princess_71
Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)


Is she dwindling (losing leaves)? Are you misting her often? Is she getting plenty of light? It looks good but it looks like she has lost a few leaves? If I remember right those are humidity lovers. Maybe putting some pebbles in the blue saucer with water would help? Just a couple of ideas. She still looks VERY beautiful!

I posted on the Cactus forum a post with updates as to what I have been doing etc. and put that I hoped you would see it. Here is the link:



Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)


She did loose a couple leaves...one was snapped, that is why i have the stick in there...was hoping i could save it but i could'nt....i think she is will love it is my new plant room...it is next to my laundry room and has big glass sliding doors....it used to be my hubbys puter room, but talked him into giving it to me for a "plant room"..it gets so hot and humid in there in the summer....all those plants will love it. I do mist her, but am afraid of getting those pesky fungus gnats if she stays to wet....Will do the pebbles on the bottom thing. I did end up giving my mom the other one that was in the pot....just in case mine did not make it....i could always have a back up...heheheh.

I love those planters you have...i have been looking for some and found some really cute ones...will have to take pics of them for you to see....I love finding them on ebay....and that turtle one you have....georgous...i love turtles....i have 2 lil baby turtles...in fact on my care i got some bumper stickers that say "I brake for turtles" cause everytime i see one on the road i stop and move the little fella off. I have such a soft spot for'em.


Oshkosh, WI(Zone 4b)

Hi GH...

I went to the garden store yesterday and no pink syngoniums there, just the green/cream variegated. I did see some nice Hoya's there that I liked, but no syngoniums that I wanted.

I did send you D-mail too!


Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

GrowHappy, here's a pic of mine before the hair cut. It's in bad shape. I had given up on it.


Thumbnail by baja220
Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Here's the after!!!! Thanks to you, he lives!!!! Mine is a Nephthytis 'Berry Allusion' "Syngonium podophyllum"

Thumbnail by baja220
Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

But look at the other side of the plant. Think I should cut some more??


Thumbnail by baja220
SW, WI(Zone 4b)

GH.....you say the albo variegata is a 'vigorous' grower?!

You must be a good mama, because I bought a rooted cutting of that sucka a few years ago, and it did *nothing* for me until it finally bit the dust!!
What a bummer, because that one is on the pricey side of the scale!

Hmm...if all goes well, I might have something to add to what I'm sending you and Char in the future!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Nan! Woman....how are you?!! :)

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Been better...but.... been worse;)
How 'bout you?
Do you still want a brug cutting when I bring them up/out?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

What's the matter? :( I'm doing fine.
Were you waiting on a cutting of the Trigona 'red' too? I've been waiting for the post office to get me these dang boxes for 3 weeks now...starting to get a bit annoyed...grrrr! As for the Brug...no worries...if you want when you're feeling better...ok?

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi everybody!:)

Chantell, I will send your cutting on Monday. I have a vacation day and will have time to lollygag and do plant stuff! Just Dmail the addy you'd like the plants sent to. I'll include a pic of the cutting at the end of this post.

Debbie- What AMAZING before and after pics! Oh my gosh! It doesn't even look like the same plant. YOu did a great job trimming it up. I would cut some off the right side so that it is more symmetrical. The great part about plant trimmings is you can start new plants or share with friends!

Nan, LOL- I really am not doing much for the albo syng. In fact, I sometimes forget about it for too long and it rewards me with a yellowed leaf. LOL You'd think that would teach me not to let it go that long without water, but it hasn't. LOL I got it from GHW last Spring as a small plant. It was in a 3 inch pot but it was HUGE. I summered it outdoors, but had problems with keeping it moist enough. I lost some leaves because of it. So, if I had to say something about the care of t his plant, I'd say it likes to be kept evenly moist and of course, it needs bright indirect light. I don't think I even fed it often. Can you tell how much I've babied this one? LOL

Chantell, what is Trigonia 'Red'? Something that might get me in trouble, I'll bet. LOL


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Dang, forgot to include the pic of your cutting Candace!

Thumbnail by GrowHappy
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Ya'll I'm really tired. LOL I just reread my post. The first paragraph was meant for Candace. I got confused with the C's, I guess.:)


Oshkosh, WI(Zone 4b)

Wow, GH, that cutting is for me? You are just too kind! Such pretty colors and so healthy looking!

I'm off to D-mail right now!


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow! Thought I'd lost my mind...again...LOL

I think this is the Trigona 'red' http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/58093/index.html It's a succulent - looks like a cactus though...and in full sun turns mostly red in color. Very cool!!!

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

GH, I put my cutting in water to root, but I need another house plant like a hole in the head. LOL

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Well, there's the answer to that question, GH.....that's one of the plants that was severely neglected when my son was ill......usually syngoniums will 'bounce back' after drying out....but not that one, I guess:)
I lost a lot of plants that year, but shucks...you'd never know it by looking! lol!!

Chantell...I'm OK, really, thanks for 'worrying' m'dear!!
Just some life issues that I won't get into here.......people ask how I am.....I just say 'been better, but been worse!' (It's usually the truth, anyway you look at it!)

I do have a Euphorbia trigona 'red form', but thanks so much for offering!

Keep her in good light or she'll be Euphorbia trigona 'was red, turned green!' LOL!!

Debbie....we're the same.....I must have a whole lotta holes in my head!!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Whew...glad re the Trigona...thought I "owed" you one...hate when my mind loses track of things!! It goes MIA too often!! LOL

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Here's one of my babies: A. crystallianum.

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
Oshkosh, WI(Zone 4b)

Hey, GH! Look what I found at Wal-Mart the other day!


Thumbnail by candace101
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

You know I'm a sucker for pink leaves! I love that, Candace. Sometimes Wal-mart surprises the heck out of ya! It's never happened for me, lol, but I see it happen regularly for other folks on the forum. Char always finds good stuff from there. I have no suck luck!

Nice score, Candace!


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Buttoneer- that is a lovely Anthurium. How long have you been caring for it? Is it an easy care plant?


Oshkosh, WI(Zone 4b)

I almost didn't see this plant! It was just sitting there, all by itself in the greenhouse, and I think I found it before they moved it to parts unknown. This one needs a little TLC, but overall it looks healthy.

I love pink leaves too! They are so hard to find though, but when I do find them, they come home with me!


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

LOL! @ "parts unknown". LOL You are right.:0


Hometown, IL(Zone 5a)


Here's a pic of my variegated peace lily. The baby has since been removed, and sent to a new home.

It's one of the only variegated plants I've ever had any luck with!

Thumbnail by Machikoneko

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